Monday, August 24, 2015

Welcome Back, to you and me!

Welcome back, to you and me!

It took me awhile to think about what to write and share again! I haven't been writing and visit this space for 3 months. I feel a little hesitate and wonder if anyone still visit me here!

I am not sure where to start and keep deleting what I wrote.... Oh, I hit a wall, so really excuse me if I am being scatter! This summer has been so long and short at the same time. So much going on and just not enough time and space to catch all the little details! I though I'd share some of the projects that I've been working on lately to start with.

August is a month that's so hard to push forward! After all the summer trips, we were so ready to go nowhere and just stay home! The quilt that I look forward to finish is S' 11th birthday quilt. During the last few week nights, I started a few patch blocks per a night then eventually was able to accomplish this quilt top. I did the happy dance that day when I finished press the back of seam allowances! Of course, S suspected the quilt is for her! Oh, I shouldn't have Stella Joy on the wall...  Oh yes! That's paper piecing that I have been working on lately! Something that I know I'll do more now and probably will have a quilt made from paper piecing soon! I am excited this quilt will be ready this Fall and of course the 12th birthday quilt should started now since it only take me a year to finish S' birthday quilt! The 12th birthday quilt might be challenge, since there's no hints for me to start thinking about the colors and patterns.

After all the summer feasts, all we really miss is the simplest dinner that I prepared every day. Our kitchen is started get busy again as I have been in and out most of the days. We are thinking an apple pie for celebrating the first week of school! Maybe this Friday when I get time off again! You probably don't know that I started exercise again. Not the crazy lifting or extreme bodyworks, but simple way of getting some energy and body strength. We have been getting up early on the weekends to Gray's Lake for a good morning walk/run!  While everyone seems so enjoy their walk/run, I had to push myself to go on this. Indeed, I am slowly down so much more in last few years. It isn't able getting old, but there aren't any body strength in me. Maybe that's why I was so sick after our traveling this summer? After that good morning run/walk, we would make our way to the Farmer's market! It is so rewarding for us! I always get a breakfast bowl and a house brew coffee and S gets her strawberry yogurt top with super sweet cream and chocolate syrup!  

I always look out for the fresh ingredients and S is always look out for the pups that hanging out the market! Oh, yes! How we wish Lucky is here! He would probably make lots good flurry friends and we probably will meet some new friends that way! We always bought some really good corns from the same local farmer and visit the same veggie booth! This past Saturday we even tried homemade root beer; it was delicious!

Summer is great, but I am looking into the Fall arrives! It will be lots soup time and lots warm lighting up downstair and upstair! I pulled out the quilts that we've been using this morning and put on the clean ones. I slightly think that I am so ready for this coming Fall and Winter! Oh, and I plan on making a Fall quilt! Lots brown, lots pinks.. different level of gray??

Our summer is officially coming to the end. School starts today and we have a middle schooler in house now! How did that happen? It is a bit unreal and I had some pinkish eyes this morning. It is really sweet and bitter moment! I would like to Thank You for writing to me for asking about us this summer! I must apologized that I didn't get back to you... I know you'll understand and Thank You!

I shall leave now and will be back soon! hope will be more regular from now on!


  1. Welcome back, Chase and Stella! Good to see you here and to see snippets of your summer. I hope you had a wonderful time travelling and I understand your happiness to be home again. I always enjoy seeing what you're working on and this new quilt is looking wonderful. I'm also excited to see your paper piecing - I've been thinking I want to do more because it's so beautiful.
    Good luck on the first day of a new school year! Sending hugs to you both. xK

  2. We missed you. Glad you're back. Love the paperpieced alphabet.

  3. You thought no one would read this? Oh heaven's no!! Just SO happy to hear from you again! Your instagram is lovely but nothing is quite like your stories. I am so happy you have found your blog again! And, of course, lovely to see your work. What treasures those birthday quilts will be for Stella when she is grown. Enjoy the middle school years. I have a junior in college and a senior in high school so I know just how fast the time goes!!! I look forward to your next post (hopefully soon!!).

  4. So nice to see you back here again. Those quilts and Wips and piles of fabric are beautiful.

  5. Welcome back Chase! I have missed visiting you in this space! But I totally understand the need for a break to visit with family and to just enjoy! I hope you and S had a wonderful summer!!! Your pictures are always so wonderfully vibrant and inspiring, oh it is good to see them again! It is so nice to see your snippets and read your words. I'm wishing you luck for S's birthday quilt! And she is in Middle School? Oh my! How fast time goes!!!!! Take lots of pictures and hold on to these wonderfully fleeting days. They go by too fast!

  6. Lovely pictures - thanks for sharing! Glad to hear all is well.

  7. Glad you are back, love the paperpiece abc's. Is it your design or from a book? Love to pp too!

  8. Ditto Ditto - Glad you are back! Great photos - the plane trip in 2105 looks fun - hahaha!

  9. You have been missed! Always fun to see what you have been up to and what you are sewing.

  10. Welcome back Chase! You have been missed...the pictures are lovely. I love the paper piecing! I have done paper piecing but don't think I have the patience to do an entire quilt! Thanks for sharing your pictures and coming back to your fans!!

  11. Happy to read your new post. because i'm a real fan! your style is so refreshing, and innovating. i was missing ...because i'm a reader since many time. Stella is owning a treasure of quilts. Big hugs from France.

  12. Welcome back. Lovely to hear from you, missed you. Beautiful works in progress.

  13. Welcome back to blogging. It looks Like S will have another beautiful quilt

  14. I've been obsessively checking your blog, I'm thrilled you're back!

  15. You and your beautiful work were missed. Can't wait to see what you will be doing in the future. Your quilts/projects are always so beautiful.

  16. Welcome back! I have been admiring your work, particularly your choice of fabric and how you place them together, so simple yet so darling and creative! Your first few photos on this blog with all dark blue then gradating to low volume is intriguing. Would you show the entire quilt please? Will you also give tutorials on paper piecing?


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