Friday, April 24, 2015

Handmade: Patchwork Pennii Needle-books & Pinnii cushions

You've just landed in {mini Patchwork world}! My name is Chase, I'd be your tour guide for the day!

These Patchwork {Pennii Needle Bookes & Pinnii cushions} are definitely show my recent works obsessions! I am have been working with hues in varies tones and combined with some accent colors.  It is interesting to see the effect after making so many of them! I've enjoyed some of the fabric collections that released in this Spring and enjoyed combine these prints with some of my collected prints. They make a bit of vintage, but fresh look! 

The hand-quilting definitely added a great personal effect on the works. After all the small stitches, the cotton batting has been soften and the stitches added more handmade texture on them. I particularly love the {Spring Song set}, which reminded of a song that has been singing over and over here! 

I am pleased and happy with these {patchwork pennii needle-book & pinnii cushion sets}. They make great sewing tool set during traveling and in your sewing studio. For the inside page, I used 100% wool blended felt page for all sort of needles. It is leaves great room to insert needles even the basting needles. The snap fasten is made with 100% linen and professional installed with metal snap that will give a nice closure. I just love the four leaf clover designer on the snap! It is a nice finish on fasten part. 

There are four sets of {Spring 2015 collection} has been listed up in the {shop} this morning and you'll be able to see the inside finished page look like and more details in the {shop page}

{Thank you so much} for all your {visits} yesterday! It is so hard to describe my feeling about my works are flying out today to your hands! It is really a special moment to learn that you are here for me and my works! I have hard time to write much lately because I keep myself quiet and just work hard! It really helps me to narrow down the long list that I have been struggled myself. A few weeks back I was tagged on Instagram for 20 facts about me and one of fact I shared is I am not a dreamer and believer in hard working.  The there's should be number 21 fact follower after this one: I used to dream big, but failed hard! I learned One step a day now and every little bit of effort counts! 

I can't wait to show you the next patchwork collection that I have been working on! It will be here before I know it! Today, I will be spending rest of the day press seam allowance open and cut more patchwork pieces. Then hope I'll be able to run to the fabric shop to get 1/4" linen piece, so I could finish {City Gym Short}. Oh, it is raining again! I shall turn on the tea kettle and brew a pot of hot tea  now, it is a little chilly! 



  1. How beautiful! I admire your work

  2. Chase, these are all so sweet, sweet, sweet! I love them

  3. These are beautiful. I use my little set every tine I do any hand sewing.

  4. These look amazing all together. They will be great presents for friends. x

  5. I LOVED reading your 20 facts Chase!!! I too, believe that hard work is the way to go! I know some people seem to get lucky without putting in the work, but there is such satisfaction in knowing that you alone are making your dreams come true! I am so proud to be part of the people that "know" you through the internet, but I know for sure, that if I am ever lucky enough to meet you in person I will just love you at first sight!!!!! I went to the shop to hopefully purchase a set...instead, I saw a small kinkachu (I probably spelled that wrong) pouch that made me so happy that I treated myself!! I cant wait to hold this little piece of patchwork in my hands as I know your work comes straight from your heart!! XO


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