
Monday, April 1, 2013

Random: oh, my.. April 1st

Nothing like walk in to a store and found yummy cookies and the pretty flowers. We wish we stay for a bit longer. We spent our mini get away screaming, eating, and spoiling our stomach as much as we could handle.

These daffodils are so pretty! This morning I found them blooming and lighten up our space a bit more in spring. The salty taffy are delicious! It was hard to walk away the candy store without getting any for ourselves.  Of course, she got her favorites and most of them are gone by now!

I couldn't help to finish the binding last night! I experimented the machine binding on large quilts for the first time. There are pros and cons about machine-binding. The time is definitely the key issue! Since there are many children comes to P & J's house. I though machine binding might be more secure when the kids plays with the quilt. The binding fabric is a perfect print for this quilt!  I couldn't be more than happy to found this print for the quilt. I must admit I start loving this purple quilt more.

S and I are trying to get back to the normal schedule and getting ready return to a full week activities! I will be excuse myself for another few days here as my MFA exhibition comes in a week and many last minutes touch up needed to get ready!

Will share both quilts soon



  1. Chase, you are multi-talented - you even arrange flowers in a vase beautifully! Somehow mine always look - awkward! S's vest looks like it's Liberty fabric - how pretty.

  2. Lovely, cheery post! I smiled a big smile. I especially love the photos of the candy with the daffodils.

  3. I love your pictures! They are gorgeous!

  4. Best of luck with your exhibition!!

  5. Great to hear that you guys had a great mini break. Best of luck with your exhibition.

  6. Beautiful photos Chase. I just got the same fabric that you are using for the binding for your quilt, but I'm using it to back a quilt :)
    Good luck with the exhibition.


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