
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Random: How about you?

 { a room full of quilts}

 { can't go wrong with cabbage}

 { quilting label}

 { hers on the left and mine on the right}

 { quilts}

 { almost as tall as S}

 { I can take them all down.. but they are really heavy}

 { almost 2 years old}

 { the window that i'll for sure miss.. x time repeating}

 { last batch before the move}

{ finished}

All the preparations for the exhibition is nearly done, but poster hasn't get printed! Artist statement is onto last revising. The week has gone so fast and I knew that I have a bit of nerve bugs in me. S has been a very kind and sweet listener this week since I might have repeated things over and over to her about the exhibition and supply list.  It feels good to cross out the to-do list, but boy there are still have many needed to cross out before Monday comes...  

The sewing machine hasn't made any sound since Sunday.  I started the quilt label for Julie's signature quilt and just finished it! Lately, I have been photographing a lot more during the early afternoons after we arrived home. The hope is to capture our last spring in ND. The lighting has been perfect these days for the room.  Then I blame on the first photo I took earlier this week with a room full of quilts that cause my curiosity of how many quilts I have made since I started in 2007. 

I started pile all the quilts that have been love and use throughout the years. The pile of quilts has the first quilt I made and the most recent quilt that got completed.  S asked me if she can {hop} on the top of the pile, but all the quilts start falling down...   She stood next to the pile and I was amazed the pile of quilts is almost as tall as S.  S probably has no idea that she will be person who gets to keep all these quilts someday besides her birthday quilts.  There are few more quilts haven't been added to the pile. I have stored them away. Have you ever counted and wondered how many quilts you have made?

We made so many dumplings together last night, they are our next few days' dinners.  These are times that we miss being home and cook together in a slowly paste rather than have dinners on the table. We miss a bit of chat of how the day went in our schools. We miss a bit of good night giggles about seeing Lucky's new photos sent by Aunt Fifi { my sister}.  We miss a bit of Friday movie and dinner.

Today, I made my mind to stay home and work on Julie's signature quilt. Somehow I considered that's my rest and break. I could finally enjoy the speed of the machine and enjoy movie and sewing again. The quilt has been basted and started quilting this morning before I headed to S' school for lunch and her presentation. Now, I am sitting in the kitchen writing this post and waiting the kettle to whistle.  A good cup of tea is needed to ease the tense of the nerve bugs.  

Tomorrow, I have a quilt to show you.. the kettle is whistling now ... oh dear..  let's catch up soon..



  1. What beautiful and inspiring pictures! I, too, have that nervous feeling in my stomach as I have finals coming up in a few weeks! Do you know where you are moving to yet? Somewhere warmer, maybe?
    Good luck and know that we are all out here rooting for you!

  2. Dumplings!! My daughter is teaching English in Yantai, China and showed us how to make them last time she came home for a visit! What do you put in yours besides cabbage? And, try not to be nervous-I'm sure everything will work out just fine!! You got so nervous for the citizenship test, and all for nothing! You are a good person and I'm sure an excellent artist. I am sending good thoughts your way-
    Also, I love your pile of quilts.

  3. I love the surrounded 9 patch, simply beautiful.
    When my sister was visiting she was overwhelmed with the amount of quilts I've got around the house so we counted how many I have made (since 1998)-- 29. Only half of them are in my house though, the rest have been gifted. I had no idea i had made and given away so many quilts... the list of people I want to give to still grows though.

  4. So amazing to see so many quilts in a pile. I love how they look folded and stacked, there is something very cozy about the view.

  5. Your pile of quilts is amazing! Such wonderful memories each holds :)

  6. So many quilts! They look lovely

  7. I saw all your "today" pictures on flckr couple days ago, and just read the story today, I feel complete :D - how I enjoy your beautiful art works and reading your story.. it's so relaxing :) I notice you drink tea a lot, what's your favorite tea ? Do you try different tea too ?

  8. Good reading! Love the big bundle of quilts. Have a nice weekend!! AnneK:-)

  9. Honestly, your work is stunning, so very inspirational. Good luck with the exhibition, I am sure it will all be fantastic.

  10. Gosh, your quilts are impressive, both in quantity and quality! Your colours and styling always make your work look so appealing that I'm sure the exhibition will be a huge success.

  11. Wow!!! The quilts look amazing!!! The exhibition will be great :) Really :)
    Do you know your new address already?
    Have a great weekend! Jolana

  12. Thinking of you and knowing your exhibition will be spectacular! -Diane

  13. I can hardly wait to see photos of the exhibition. I know it will be fantastic. All your projects are so special and the details are perfect...right down to the pleats in the dumplings


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