
Sunday, December 18, 2016

Gifts making...

Remember I said more snow? It happened yesterday! It probably was an overnight snow fall while I was hand stitching in the workroom. The blinds were down, so the light in the room can be less reflected from the windows. In the morning, I put on winter gloves and boots and went shoveling!  Gosh, it felt good!

The knit bag {first photo} is made for a friend who sent a special knitted gift in the mail last week. It actually started with Bahar, Can I custom order a pair of mittens? She replied, Oh, let me take a look of the photos if you have any! Then she got back to me how soon you would like to have them? I replied before the holiday would be great! Then I didn't hear back from her for 6 weeks after we messaged! Last week, she sent another message to me and let me know the mitten is ready to post. Bahar said, I would love to sent it as a gift to you.  It took me few minutes to reply back to her.  At that moment, I felt really warm and humble for the labor of love gift that she offer to me.

Then I've been thinking what could I gift in return. I thought it would be nice to send a labor of love gift in return and a knit bag for her to take her yarns and needles is just perfect! It is really how I have been feeling about holiday season these years. Gifts from heart and personal, do you?

All the greeting cards have mailed out, expected two, which will go out on Monday morning. It feels really great that I actually sit down and work through them as I found time in between tasks.  I have made an extra card and have been thinking who got miss out from the list and hope to find that person out before Monday arrives {smile}!

This past week has been a full week and daytime/daylight is not quiet enough to use. I started look forward longer daylight now! The metal tray was one of the found before the move! It had all the sewing tools in, but then it was empty for a long time. Today I found it is a perfect size for some finished projects! then second though might be great if I can fill this tray with the mini pouches!

This coming week, I plan to make another {patchwork jo-jo pouch}  as the one I am using is a little too full to carry! I mixed with sewing tools and pens always!  Really need another one for the pens only!  My sister and I shared love of fountain pens and we both went a little shopping while I was visiting this Fall. The one that I like perfectly for writing and drawing is preppy 0.3 nib fountain pen.

Next few days, I'll be making sugar cookies without icing, an apple pie, and almond bar cookies. Then a new roomy patchwork pouch is on the top of list, the on going WIP  list still kicking these days and found time made {dutch baby} and taking the morning time slow down as I always over planned the day!



  1. Dear Chase, your lovely box named Supplies looks cozy with all these nice presents. Have a wonderful Christmas time! Jolana


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