
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Random: mini quilt

The mini village quilt was finished this afternoon. It is not perfect in paper piecing part, but turns out cute if you look far away from your monitor!  It is still gloomy and raining here and we resulted it by staying indoor and enjoy our indoor activities! While S had her music lesson this morning. I took this mini quilt with me to work on by the time when she is done with the lesson I am half way through plus some was done from last night. Now I can crossed out another {to do} item from my list. I have a long list that I would like to accomplish during this summer break.

  It look a long time to decided on the binding fabric color then finding the right fabric. Since there are so   many colors in the houses. I wanted some darker color. Dark brown was the one pop out when I was looking through the stash.  I still prefer hand- binding! This is my favorite part of quilting! A good movie and a cup of coffee would do a good job!!

 For the backing, I decided to use my initial - C.  Something new to try and turn out simple and {me}!

Each year, I try to make a mini quilt! Mini quilt is a way of making something fun and generate cool idea into fiber pieces. I love working with embroidery in mini quilts as well! S did the { we love each other} mini quilt two years ago. We had good time share projects together! There's a hope that someday one of the sewing room wall is covered with min quilts!

Finished the patchwork tote tonight, but was too late for photos! It is more zakka style for this tote! S is loving her new bag! She is officially upgrade herself into a BIG girl! Will show and tell tomorrow!! I will also write up a { Take Five: tools and material} to end the patchwork take process!

House pattern can be found:

The mini quilt finished at 14"x14"
Hand-quilted/ hand- binding
The finished sashes were 1" wide.  



  1. Beautiful Chase- I do like the little red corner squares in the sashing and you binding choice was perfect x

    1. Thanks, Kerry!! I am thinking making a bed quilt from this pattern. If I make one block a month I shall have 12 in a year. It won't be a pressure for myself. I need to do a little math on the size of the block. I used the Old New 30's from Lecine for the little red corner. I think I say it many times.. But thank you again for the great pattern and inspiration!! xx

  2. So pretty!!! Love how small and colorful you made your houses. I love this mini!
    Your wall of small quilts is looking great. Adding one mini a year is a very good idea!
    ; )

    1. Thanks, Marit!! I love mini quilts!! It is addictive on making mini quilts! xx

  3. love love love your mini quilt Chase! its soooo pretty!
    love the idea about make one mini quilt per year!

    1. Thank you!! I am thinking of you each day and knowing you are busy now!! Take great care and please do let me know when the package arrive.. I am getting worry again...

  4. Actually I made many mistake while I was piecing it. I had to trim off 1/4" more. Some houses are chopped off at the very end of corner... If you take close look you will see it.. so please stay far away, so it looks fine.. :) xox

  5. Chase, this is another beautiful creation from your talented hands. I admire your style in combining fabrics. This mini is simply adorable!

  6. Love your minis! I have a question about your sashinko. Is the embrodiered area "quilted?" I have made a couple of these blocks and don't know what to do with them since my batting needs quilting every 8" or so and its a 12" block. I really wanted to make a wall quilt that could be laundered. Any advice? Thanks!!!

    1. Hi Wendy, Yes, the embroidered area are hand quilted. Have you try " quilt as you go method" I shared in this post. Maybe this method would give you more freedom for the size that you have in hand. I'd be happy to help more if you need more help, please let me know. Chase x


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