
Monday, May 21, 2012

{Let's celebrate} + { S.M.S giveaway}

Welcome to {} giveaway day! If you are new here! Welcome! My name is Chase, currently am a MFA student in Mixed Media. I blog about quilting in process, things I make, and share moments I have with my little one. Bits of everything... I have been participating this great event for many times. Through this giveaway I have also met many quilters and crafters. Many of your have inspired me in many ways! I have enjoy the blogging community ever since!

I am throwing a little fat eighth bundle of 30's collection by Atsuko Matsuyama. The winner will receive three fat eighths and of course I will make something to go with this fun giveaway!

How to participate?  I am a little curious about what type of blog catch your attention and what do you look when you visit a blog?  Have fun playing! The giveaway open until May 25 at 5 p.m. PST/ 7p.m. central time/ 8p.m. Eastern time.

Make sure leave your name and contact information and your link is working!  YES! international readers are welcome to join!! 



  1. Blogs with lots of photos, I'm a very visual person!

  2. I like blogs with clean, simple design. I like a mix of projects and inspirational posts.

  3. great giveaway! I only follow a few blogs now; most people I follow through pinterest because I'm all about the images! The few blogs I do follow have great visual inspiration.

  4. Those fabrics are gorgeous. :)
    I like blogs with big, bright pictures that really do justice to the beautiful things people create.
    Thank you for hosting a giveaway!
    makemeaquilt @ gmail dot com

  5. I love seeing all of your works in progress!

  6. I like lots of photos and I like a blog that is "centered". If you have a quilting blog, blog about quilting. If you have a cooking blog, blog about cooking.

  7. I love blogs with lots of photos, videos, and tutorials. I really like to read people who write the way I speak (I'm a bit frank LOL).

    Thanks for the chance
    shel704 at aol dot com

  8. I really enjoy seeing what others have created, it gives me inspiration! I also enjoy tutorials with pictures! Thanks for the great giveaway, the fabric is lovely!

  9. Ok, I love YOUR blog. You make beautiful things, and have lots of lovely pictures. Like to see your wip and hear a bit about what's going on. Please keep sharing...
    ; )

  10. I subscribe to lots of blogs.. probably too many. The keepers are ones that inspire -- projects that are so attractive I want to try them right away, tutorials (LOVE tutorials), lots of nice photography. One thing I've recently noticed I really really like: a link to the blogger's Flickr page. I want to see what else they've made, seek even more inspiration, mark favorites. If I add a new blog to Google Reader, it's usually because I've seen a link from one of my favorite bloggers. Pretty sure I found you via Sew Take a Hike. I'm now totally addicted to the quilt-as-you-go technique. Love it to pieces.

  11. Easy navigation helps me when I am opening a blog for the first time. thanks for the chance!

  12. I like blogs with free patterns & free tutorials

  13. Thank you for such a darling give a way. :0)
    I love reading "real" posts and it is fun to
    see nice pictures of their latest projects.
    Drop by anytime. :0)

  14. Hi, Chase! You know I love your blog! What do I look for in one? Photos of great sewing projects and tutorials for sewing projects, especially small quick ones, as opposed to big, huge ones. And I like it if a person's personality shines through their writing, as yours does.

    Keep inspiring us, your readers!

  15. I love these fabrics!
    I enjoy blogs with photos and real people writing the posts. down to earth type people :)

  16. Clean lines, no flashing ads. I also likes blogs that have great quality photos, doesn't have to be professional, but one with good lighting, few distracters and clarity.

  17. I enjoy blogs that are loaded with lots of photos, tutorials and inspiration!

  18. I like clean, simple blogs without a lot of buttons and stuff on the sides- just makes it easier. I love pretty pictures and whitty writers, too!

    Thanks for a lovely giveaway!

  19. I think I have to follow the trend of "lots of tutorials". A well-written tutorial with lots of pictures definitely stays with you! I also love the fabrics you've chosen! They're perfect for the upcoming summer!

    Thank you for participating

  20. I look for pretty pictures and something that inspires me.

  21. I'm not much help - I pretty much read all the blogs on my dashboard/reading list. I like when they aren't 100% sewing, but have a little bit of the individual's life stuff in there, too - helps me remember them as a person, instead of blending together with all the other sewists

  22. I like lots of photos, but not a cluttered page. I also like lots of finished projects for eye candy!

  23. I love really creative bloggers who like to share tutorials with the rest of us. And photos. Lots of photos. (PS Your blog is lovely!) xo

  24. thanks for the chance to win! i love to see what projects other bloggers are working on, especially how people are pairing patterns, and i love to get new ideas for quilts or clothes. def love to see a lot of pictures!

  25. I like simple blogs with nice photos. I like to read blogs I can relate to.

  26. I like blogs with photos and blogs with giveaways! I keep a notebook and pen handy and often draw quilt blocks that I see on blogs. Thanks for the giveaway!

  27. I like to read quilting blogs. Especially when they have great pictures, colors, and some detail about their quilts.

  28. I like to see (photos) the project's process. I love the tutorials. Although I am not a 'reader' by nature, it's always interesting to me to hear about how a quilter selects the color combo's for their quilts since this the hardest thing for me to do. Thanks for sharing.

  29. I like blogs with tutorials and clear instructions and fun personality.

  30. Good clear color photos with step by step visuals! HUMOR is always appreciated!

  31. Cat photos. Okay, maybe not just that, but I love silly photos of cats - mine are always interfering with my quilting, and I like seeing that other people's kitties do that, too. ;) Thanks for the chance to win!

  32. I follow a lot of blogs so I tend to scroll through the reader and then stop when I see a picture I want to know more about (or hope there's a free tutorial!)

  33. I read different kinds of blogs -- quilting/crafting/sewing, gardening, or just a really well written writer's blog, if that makes any sense. What I enjoy is the sense of accomplishment so many people share, and sometimes the not so perfect finishes either. Wisdom and experience are great, and I love a wonderful, well photographed tutorial. :) Thanks for participating in the giveaway!

  34. I like lots of good pictures, interesting work, tutorials, and a blogger with a great personality.

  35. Definitely lots of photos. I tend to not read quilt/crafty blogs if they have a lot of personal/family life stuff as well (unless I know the person in real life)

  36. pretty photos and a diy or tutorial category!

    thanks for the giveaway! :)

  37. I like a clean background and lots of photos. I read blogs about sewing, farming, mindful living, and nutrition. Actually the only blogs I do not look for are cooking blogs.

  38. I like blogs with lots of great photos and good info.


  39. I look for blogs which: inspire me, have awesome tutorials, or feature a quilt along I want to participate in.

  40. I like blogs that have great photos, easy-to-read fonts, simple layout, and that feature people's gardens/natural areas OR their needlework. Tutorials are a plus on the needlework blogs.

    trilliumcreates AT gmail DOT com

  41. I like blogs with a mix of tutorials, their inspiration, simple tips and lots of photos. I also like a little personal stuff mixed it. Makes me feel like I really know the person.

  42. I like blogs that have interesting projects, mostly sewing, but I do enjoy papercrafts, too; usually something I've never tried, but would like to try some day. Those with a lot of pictures, and picture tutorials are great. I don't really care for video tutorials.

  43. I like tutorials and lots of pictures. :)

  44. I would love to join!! AnneK:-)

  45. I love craft blogs. I also look for blogs that have similar interests to me and maybe a free tutorial or two.

  46. I like blogs that are real and yet, clean. I don't want to come along and read something I'll regret. Pictures are a plus. I also love tutorials and seeing people's creations. Thanks for a chance to win.

  47. I like blogs that post regularly, that have to do with quilting or other interests of mine and that share some personal life so they come across to me as friendly.

  48. It's probably easier to tell you what sends me away from a blog....too many pictures and/or a dark background that is hard to read. Lots of cutesy little pictures take forever to load, even when you have high speed internet. I guess that means I like clean and bright and simple. :) blessings, marlene

  49. I love blogs that give an insight to the blogger's personality as they share their projects... a little story behind the project goes a long way!

  50. I look for a blog with lots of visuals. I like a blog that is centered, usually one subject.

  51. I like blogs that have photos and when the blogger shares their 'story' and keeps it real - that's the most interesting read for me. Thanks for the chance to win. Linda

  52. I, like everyone else, love a blog with good photos. I don't mind some personal stuff as long as there's a gratuitious quilt or fabric shot in there as well. ;) Thanks for a great giveaway.

  53. good photos and lots of tutorials!!
    thank you for the chance to win

  54. I usually find blogs through their tutorials. Adorable fabric btw.

  55. I like blogs that don't take themselves too seriously. I want to have fun!!

  56. My gosh those cherries kill me - so cute! I look for nice photos :)

  57. I like blogs that have an easily-accessible history - a tutorial tab; a page for quilts created; an archived quilt-along, etc... Usually if I want to jump into a blog, I will also be interested in what has happened before I got there.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  58. Good pictures and colour are what draw me in.

  59. Yes...good pictures and fun tutorials catch my eye. Thanks for hosting a giveaway!

  60. I like pretty pictures and graphics... and tutorials, too!


  61. thanks for the giveaway! I read quilting/sewing blogs. a good picture gets my attention :)

  62. I look for sewing projects and tutorials with lots of photos,as I am a visual learner. Those fabrics are absolutely gorgeous!

  63. So pretty! I love blogs with lots of photos, and tutorials for those of us who are still learning : )

  64. These are such adorable fabrics! I read quilting and knitting blog the most. I like blog with large photos , they don't need to be perfect, just large enough to see well.

  65. Simple with great pictures and/or stories are my favorite blogs. Tutorials help too.

  66. Blogs with wonderful pictures and the suggestion of a tutorial to intrigue us. Thakns for the giveaway.

  67. I love tutorials and photos of finished quilts to inspire me!

  68. I love blogs with lots of photos and tutorials!

  69. My favorite blogs are simple, homey ones like yours. Where you share your life and quilts. Thank you for the chance to win such stunning fabric. It would be perfect with a project I am working on.

  70. Hello Chase!! What a lovely giveaway! I love reading blogs with lots of beautiful photos of work in progress as well as finished projects. And of course a tutorial now and then is always great!

  71. I love pics and free tutorials!!! Thank you!

  72. I like blogs that have tutorials but I also like it when the blogger talks about themselves. I especially like it when experiences are shared.

  73. I like blogs that have a varied assortment of posts, mostly sewing with little bits of fun and family thrown in. I love these fabrics and everything you make is beautiful so I will be happy to be a winner. Fingers crossed!

  74. Good design, a great tutorial every now & then, humor, and personality catch me every time. I also like blogs from other countries-you can see a little of a different culture that way, although I've often found that quilters are pretty much the same the world over.

  75. I love to peruse blogs with lovely photos! A set of great photos will catch my eye and then I'll stay and read awhile. Thanks for the giveaway!

  76. I like a clean design so it is easy to read, photos of in-progress work (we are all in-progess), personality but not heavy on personal, sharing a process .

  77. Blogs with lots of pictures! Always catch my attention :)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    melissajpalmer at yahoo dot com

  78. I found your blog at The One Stop Giveaway Shop (thanks God for it!) I am mad of fabrics giveaways, but I never won one, so by the fact that I am a Capricorn, I go on patecipating!
    thank you so much for this opportunity

  79. Thanks for the giveaway! I love blogs with attractive, clean, colorful designs and photos. And good content, of course.

  80. I love blogs with photos and tutorials. Thanks for the chance to win.

  81. I love a mix of process, tutorial, photography, fabric ogling and personal stories mixed in. I love hearing about the creative process, the good and the bad. Thanks for the giveaway.

  82. I like to read blogs with good ideas I can make myself. Thanks for the giveaway!

  83. I love blogs with lots of photos! I love the inspiration that great photos provide. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  84. I love blogs with lots of tutorials, good pictures and bloggers who are 'real", those who share their successes and failures in crafts.

  85. I tend to follow blogs with tutorials, pretty pictures and modern fabrics,

  86. I enjoy crafty blogs with lots of photos, inspiration, and tutorials.

  87. I love blogs with pretty and simple pictures and colors and with projects that I can do! Thanks.

  88. I like blogs with lots of photos showing what the have made, and also tutorials to help me get going. Thank you for the giveaway.

  89. I like to see tutorials and I tend to like modern and practical projects.
    thanks for the chance!

  90. The most attention-getting blogs for me are the ones that are two columns (three just makes my eyes go back-and-forth too much. LOL! Love the fabric in your giveaway!

  91. love photos and tutorials! Music playing automatically I find kind of annoying... plus, it has to be easy to find things!

  92. Lots of photos of fabric and quilts.

  93. I like photo heavy blogs :) I also like blogs where there's a good balance between crafty and life, so it feels personal, like visiting a friend and having a little show and tell.

  94. Hi Chase, student of mixed media? That got ME curious. I read blogs that have both great photos and content that inspires me almost every time, i.e projects that interest me, sharing links, ideas, their own projects and doing this consistently and in a good mix.

    Have a great day! PS: Love the fabric pattern!

  95. I am like most I like to see pics of what people are making or have completed

  96. I love the fabrics that you are giving away! About blogs...I love simple blogs with lots of photos and descriptions. I prefer blogs that are a bit personal as well as all the crafting goodness! Thanks for the chance to win!

  97. I like photos and honesty and personal...not too techinical.

    ykatrina at hotmail dot com

  98. I like blogs with a mixture of great craft ideas, photos and bits about peoples lives

  99. I lokk at the photos first. And most of the time I visit sewing/quilting blogs as well as self building houses blogs. Thanks for this giveaway! Cyrile

  100. I like blogs with a mix of everything, where you can get to know the person behind the blog.

  101. I like a blog that is personal and has a few tutorial mixed in with things. :)
    brooke at richardchurch dot com

  102. I've come to realize that I look at two things when it comes to blogs: good lighting in photos and an updated blog design. To me a blog seems more professional if they have those things. Also, a thing that turns be away from blogs is if the blog design is just a stock blogger design. I know it's petty and that not everyone gets technology but I like it when there's evidence that someone spent some time on their blog

  103. i like to see blogs that have a lot of WIP posts, and pictures. i think i may like your blog because i find graduate students are really interesting about the way they present their progress and finished projects. :)

    thanks for this chance to win, the fabric is lovely.

    my email is supersharmie at gmail dot com

  104. Ha! We asked practically the same question for our giveaways!

    I like to see the process as well as the finished product, but a fun or funny voice in the writing is what really makes me come back for more.

  105. I love funny blogs with lots of lovely pics, ideas and free patterns.

  106. As for type of blog - it doesn't matter if it's cooking, current events, knitting, fashion, books, or travel - I follow plenty of topics. I think the first thing I look at is the visual appeal. If a blog is difficult to read (strange font) or the photos are really tiny or it is overwhelmingly cluttered with ads and it's hard to find the blog's content, this is going to turn me off.

    I like a simple, clean look where I can read/see what the author is posting about. A good balance of text to photos is nice (and it's okay if photos outweigh the text some times, especially for craft blogs).

    Thanks for the great giveaway op!

    handmadebytracie (at) gmail (dot) com

  107. blogs with cute headers, clean layout and lots of detailed tutorials

  108. Hi, Chase. I like to see the creative things people have made, and following along with the progress of the pieces - if they share a how-to that's a bonus. I am also interested in hearing about life outside of quilting, crafts, art. We are all human, and it is nice to feel a connection to the artist (albeit one-sided, since I don't come out of my shell) Also, if I find a blog that interests me, I like to go to the archives and read from the beginning. Thank you for offering up this cute fabric!
    (hrmaris at yahoo dot com)

  109. i love tutorials on blogs and lots of pics

  110. Blogs with photos, basically, and well written posts.

  111. Good question, I like reading blogs with a lot of projects and tutorials!

  112. Your fabrics are adorable! How sweet of you to give them away! :)

    I love to visit blogs that have lovely pictures. They inspire me. Particularly, craft and home decor blogs.

  113. Clean lines and lots of colourful pictures!

  114. I like blogs that post photos of what the person is working on. I get so much inspiration from seeing other's projects. Thank you for a chance to win your wonderful giveaway!!

  115. I like blogs that have a simple, but fun design. Lots of pictures. Thanks so much for the chance to win!


  116. I like photos, tutorials, well-written stuff w/o typos/grammatical errors, and not too visually cluttered.

  117. Thank you for the givewaway! I like blogs that are clean and uncluttered, with good pictures, graphics, and tutorials! :D

  118. I like blogs with easy to follow tutorials!


  119. I love blogs with tutorials and pictures of finished objects :-) i just love to see how other crafters combine colours, patterns and prints. Example of blogs that I love are: and even, that provides a lot of useful links and info.

  120. I like lots of photos, and good information rather than just chit-chat.

  121. I love blogs with great photos because I love seeing what others are making.

  122. I love art quilt bloggs, free motion quilts and old things used in quilts. Also machine embroidery - love it. Getting inspiration is the most important - most bloggs are great.

  123. I like reading about the process of quilts and their personal meanings. Thanks for the giveaway.

  124. blogs with tutorials and original ideas :) x

  125. Blogs with simple, modern designs (that aren't too busy) and great content- good tutorials written in a informative and succinct manner.

  126. I am a beginner so I love blogs with tips and easy to follow tutorials. Thank you for the giveaway!

  127. Great fabric! I like blogs with nice big, clear pictures and lots of colors.

  128. I like blogs that inspire me with cuteness and I like tutorials and sewing related projects

  129. Visiting from Sew Mama Sew. Thanks for the giveaway! I love quilting blogs and anyplace that shows HOW she did something.

    lindseyjunk (at) sbcglobal (dot) net

  130. I like blogs with fun tutorials and lots of pictures :]

  131. I like blogs that show the process behind their finished projects as well as the projects.

  132. I like blogs that inspire with what the owner's have made, tutorials, etc.

  133. Blogs with lots of pictures and tutorials are what I really like. It's fun to see/read and good inspiration. Thanks for the chance to win!

  134. I like nice bright cheery blogs, that are simple and lots of pics

  135. I love blogs that are clean with an easy to read font. And great pictures are a necessity, too!

  136. Simple design and a mix of photos, tutorials and random bits and bobs

  137. Happy blogs full of pictures and tutorials get my attention. I find most of my new blogs through Pinterest.

  138. What???I love those prints!!! So I really like blogs that are original and heartfelt. New ideas, beautiful coordinating fabrics but an eye for fabulous mixes of prints and colors. Thatswhat I like in a blog:)

  139. Blogs where you can see the personality of the person behind it! Thanks for the chance to win!

  140. I love blogs that offer instructions and tutorials, rather than just showing what they made.

  141. It has to be good photos for me. Something i can draw inspiration from and also a bit of humour never goes amiss. If something goes wrong i want to hear about it. I'm beginning to think most bloggers are perfect and may not even own a seam ripper!

  142. I definitely love blogs with a personal touch. I like learning about the person behind the blog, not just the projects/recipes/etc.

  143. I like blogs with that show both process and the end product, with the blogger's personality thrown in the mix :)

  144. I like blogs that show finished quilts. Thank you for the chance to win you giveaway.

  145. I found your giveaway at The One Stop Giveaway Shop! Thank you for this generous giveaway!

  146. I like lots of tutorials and pictures!

  147. Process posts. I like to know the hows and whys of what people make. Your easy shop looks great, I love those Koseki daisies!

  148. Love lots of beautiful pics and tutorials

  149. Great projects! Everyone likes a pretty blog but the content is key. :). Great giveaway! Thank you

  150. I generally look for quilting blogs and the first thing I look for is the tutorials. Great Giveaway! Crossing my fingers that you draw my number.

  151. I like blogs with lots of tutorials and pretty pictures of their creations

  152. Photos with step by step tutorials. Lisa in Texas

  153. I enjoy seeing pictures , lots of pictures. I also look for tutorials, the more of them I follow hopefully the better my finished projects will be. It is nice sometimes to hear what went wrong with someones project for 2 reasons first it remindes you that you are not the only oone out there that is making a mess of things at times also it helps you not to make the same mistakes others have made. Thanks for the cvhance to win

  154. I like blogs with lots of pictures and tutorials. Thanks for the chance to win.

  155. Adorable fabric. I like great photos and block tutorials.

  156. I love to visit blogs where people share what they are creating. Whether they are quilters or home decorators. I love to see pictures of what others create.

  157. I tend to visit blogs with Tutorials and new crafting ideas.

  158. great fabric! im a recent follower of your blog and am loving your posts! i love process posts...talking about the evolution of your project and i love talking fabric! thanks for a chance.

  159. Oooh what cute fabric! I love to read about works in prgoress and fun tutorials. :)

    debyeo at hotmail dot com

  160. I love all kinds of crafty blogs, and what catches my attention most is good, bright, clear pictures.

    Julia @ Stars&Sunshine
    starsandsunshineblog at gmail dot com

  161. I love seeing the quilts that others are working on and especially love tutorials.

  162. I love to see lots of pictures of the finished project.

  163. I like to see tutorials, finished projects, a positive outlook, and kids:)

    I also tend to only read blogs that cater to my aesthetic, which means nothing country, nothing civil war repro, rarely anything batik.


  164. I would say big pictures! And more than just finishes.

  165. Lots of pictures, tutorials, and fabric line information

  166. I do like blogs with clear, bright pictures and love fabric photos.

  167. I like lots of clear photographs. Wish I took better pictures, myself. I also like a glimpse into the life of the blogger and how art blends with lifestyle. Studio tours, works in progress, goof ups and solutions on a project, all of these make the blogger seem more accessible.

  168. I enjoy blogs with a lot of photos, tips and tutorials, thanks for a great giveaway!

  169. i prefer blog with lots of details tutorial as well as photos.


  170. Lots of pictures always catch my eye, love seeing things progress to a finished product

  171. Eu gosto de tutoriais,os lançamentos de tecido,de crianças,de blocos difíceis de bichos e muito mais,fotos,Eu sigo um monte e já estou indo com você.Gosto de falar com a turma

  172. I like blogs which are updated frequently, with good pictures and nice projects, tutorials, inspiration of any kind.

  173. I like sewing blogs with lots of pictures and clear explanation on the bloggers thought processes, inspiration, success and failures.

  174. I love sewing and craft blogs with tutorials, with simple and great ideas, and with great inspiring photos...
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  175. I love tutorials with pictures and step by step instructions, but I also like blogs where the blogger has a distinct personality and definite opinions!

  176. I love a good sense of humour, decent photos (not necessarily professional, but clear and interesting), well-written, fun ideas, but most importantly, I like to have a sense that the person on the other end is real and human rather than programmed or caving to popular expectation. I'm looking for Tom Waits in a sea of NSync. :-)

    Cool question - thanks!

  177. I love tutorials and I love to see what people make with all these lovely fabrics. I also love blogs with green DIY ideas!

  178. I love blogs with lots of photos, but mostly I stick around when people are using fabric that I love!

  179. I'm a newbie and old school so user friendly not too much jargon that i do not understand, Tutorials and lots of color

  180. I like blogs that have lots of photos. Tutorials are a bonus. A quilt-along or sew-along is also great. and I like bloggers who post fairly regularly, even if it's a quick hello. I follow your blog & enjoy your posts. Your giveaway fabrics are beautiful, thanks for the chance to win.

  181. I love blogs that have tutorials and share their patterns for free. I love seeing new fabrics too! Your fabrics are lovely... fingers crossed!

  182. I love good writers so I like blogs with great stories!

  183. I like blogs that post photos of exciting quilts and the information necessary to acquire the pattern. Thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway.

  184. fresh clean colours, photos and ideas and tutorials always lure me in

  185. Beautiful fabrics!
    I love great pictures and a visually simple blog layout with lots of white space.
    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  186. I look for a lot of photos and tutorials. Thank you for the giveaway!

  187. Several commenters have mentioned pictures. I think pictures are a must! I love visualizing everything the blogger tells me. I love gardening and quilting blogs.

  188. Photos are definitley important, but I also like an easy to navigate layout. I like to be able to read people's archives, to see if I like their style.

  189. I like blogs best when projects are shared, tutorials are great and opportunities for interaction happen. Love pics, a little personal info. Those fabrics are fab!

  190. blogs that have good images, are well written and are interesting to read. thanks!

  191. I am a big fan of bright, bold beautiful pics of finished projects and wips

  192. I like blogs with good pictures, but not overload, and enough text to describe them. I don't like blogs that are overly-sponsored - if you're doing a post on toothpaste or laundry detergent, I'm pretty sure to unfollow.

  193. i love a great tutorial, a favorite recipe, photos with honest writing about life with kids, sewing projects and a sense of humor.


  194. wow,lovely fabrics,so cute.Thanks for the chance to win it.i love blog land and find new blogs,love to see lovely photos,colorful,free patterns,every day life.

  195. First of all the pictures and then i check the tutorials section.
    Hope that's what you meant.

  196. I like a blog with a good balance of photos and text, visually uncluttered, with some good info and a little humor thrown in. Thanks for the chance to win!

  197. I like a blog with lots of tutorials and a mix of different types of projects.

  198. I like a mix of tutorials,pictures perhaps a favourite recipe and I like to see a bit of everyday life! especially if the blogger is from a different country!

  199. I like blogs that stay mostly on topic (be it crafting or whatever). Too many "my family" or "my church" posts bore me.


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