
Saturday, January 28, 2012

On the note

We spent our day home and did not attempt to leave the house. It is so pretty outside, but we are both lazy  and just wanted to be home and be cozy! I never get to show you the bathrobe I made for S for Christmas.  I used McCall's pattern M6225.  It is very simple and easy follow pattern. Although I made few mistakes on the sewing pockets, but it turns out cute! I think I needed one!She has been wearing it every night and loving it so much! The fabric was purchased during Joann's Thanksgiving big sale. I think I got 2 yards for 5 dollars. Later on I bough more sewing patterns from Joann when they were 99 cents. One of my sewing goal is learn to make clothes for S and myself.

I ordered some 30's prints and they came this past Thursday. Sort them into 30's print boxes. I am slowly collecting 30's print. I love retro style and colors! Sometimes, I think I have an older soul in me {smile}!  Before I have fancy storage unit, I have been storing fabric in these photos boxes. They are inexpensive and easy to find. I like the kraft paper style better. It has a clean look and outside has a metal where the label go to.  It really helps me to keep some fabric stashes organized.

The Kona Maize { alike yellow corn color} came as well. I am so ready to start S' 8th year-old birthday quilt. This is the fat eight bundle I purchased from Lizzy House awhile ago. I will added other prints as well. The idea of this quilt is {walking in the rainbow}. 

No much photos for today! It is the kinda of day that I just wanted to relax and slow down a bit. I have been running around last week after teaching class then rush to pick up S then took her to her music lesson. Today is the kinda of day that I have my own chance to take a {deep} breath and slow down! I wish I could have coffee, but my throat is still not acting right! It feels like I have not stop moving around and  have been keeping on a go!   It has been another productive day here! I am 1/10 away from my second MFA piece completed!  It is a good news for me on my mind!

Today I'd like to ask all of you for a favor.... PLEASE!

Our piano teacher had her baby girl Elsie Lorraine this past Wednesday! It is such a big surprised and happiness at the same time. Baby Elsie is 10 weeks premature! She has been placing in NICU for now. She is likely to stay in NICU till the end of the March. Today, I just received the the second email from Kim { the piano teacher}. Last night was the first time they get to hold baby Elsie. Baby is doing very well! When I saw the picture Kim attached my eyes were tearing. My oldest niece was 13 weeks premature,so I knew the challenge the family has to face!  But I hope that we can have more prayers send to her in the good thoughts! Hope the little body will be developing in the healthy and stable way!  Thank you for your kindness prayers! 



  1. love the bathrobe you made for her! looks so cozy!
    the fabrics are so yummy to! can't wait to see that rainbow quilt!!

    hope all things with that little one are doing well... mom and baby will be in my prayers...

    1. The baby and Kim are doing very well! We'll meet with Kim for lesson next week. We should be able to get some update from her in person! It sounds like the baby is able to breath on her own and the hole in her heart is closed now.. keep your prayer coming.. and thank you SO much!


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