
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Random: Forward

Can you tell, my two antsy fellows have been busy? We took Lucky in for a big haircut and found out the hot/ humid weather cause some skin issue. He is taking medicine now, so the problem seems going away slowly. We wrapped the med. in the toast and covered some sweet jam for him.

S is back on making "things". She has sewn Lucky his Halloween custom and he looks so very adorable! Maybe a later photo to show you his "Super Lucky" custom. The room has been messy again, which is what we love; have fun and get messy!! The two antsy fellows have accompanied each other most of the time. Measuring Lucky from head to tail and wondering why he is waist is so large and legs are so short.  Talking to him and watch him tip his head aside and seem understood what we are talking.

Reading time is their favorite time so far. Only Lucky is busy looking for things inside the book/food and S is reading him some good stories. I love taking these photos for them, since these photos are going to be S' great treasure memories after we return back to states. We will miss him... 

I have been able to sew almost everyday during the morning time. The weather has been nice and cool a little. We have gotten some nice showers during the days and early afternoons. It makes us pleasure to work with calmer mind. Our study time has gotten quicker, since S' improving and getting understand the idea of new language.  This week, we have officially enrolled S into local district school, oh boy it has taken the whole summer time to find the right person and have the person contact us back. S will start school on August 28th; less than 2 weeks. This mama is nervous, but though it will be good time to leave S in an open space to find her strong self again.  {Thank you for all the good thoughts you've sent to us... }.

Last month, I have been thinking and wondering if I need some business cards for my little shop or just myself. I started making sketches of the logos and design cards.  Between ordering business cards or create custom stamps I went with custom stamps. It would allow me to stamp on any paper or fabric material.  The logo for {quarter inch mark} is a postmark look design. Since we travel from place to place, we like to write cards/ letters to friends and families. Each postmark represents a short journey of our life. I thought it is a perfect idea of {quarter inch mark} which might leave your heart a place for two chatty person that you read from time to time.

oh dear... I am just happy to feel positive again! 



  1. Wow - What a gorgeous blog. I' now a follower :)

    I love your photography and it is lovely to see a youngster using a sewing machine.

    Your fabric stash is so tidy that you've shamed me into tidying mine! ;p

    Gemma (EDiS) x

  2. Oh, Chase, what a lovely post! So great to see S and Lucky spending sweet time together. And your stamps are perfect for your shop, etc.! Please tell S I'll write soon!. ❤

  3. I am smiling at the thought of that little doggie's big waist and little legs. Your logo is absolutely lovely, clever you for coming up with it. Glad you are feeling positive again. And that the weather is cooler!

  4. Chase, I LOVE your stamps! They are PERFECT! So glad you feel better. I know hot weather makes me cranky!

  5. Your post makes me smile today!
    Love all the pictures of S and cute!!!
    Your stamps are adorable!!!
    Happy that you are feeling so positive too!


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