
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

City Tote

There's something new for S, that's night life. It wouldn't be up till midnight type of night life, but life out and about after 7p.m.  When we lived in states, it is a bit unusual we leave home after all the activities that were planned for the week. It is likely before 6p.m. We preferred to be in and about! All the hours before bedtime are we called busy time. S likes to read her book and that's the time I catch up with all the emailing and getting ready our supper.

The month of August seems a bit cooler during the night time. S and I started have some fun scooter rides in the city that we live during the later day. Likely after supper time. We {hop} on the scooter and go. Normally we don't plan on places to go, but stop by when we like. Monday night we were out and about with a {get ready for school mission}. We both needed our glasses frame to get repair and both needed to go to the book store and both itchy some fresh watermelon juice and S needed a haircut. off we went....  She love the scooter rides and like to asked me; have we been here? We have had been here before... Can we take a detour to the shop that we went a long time ago?  Yes, sometimes, we take {Super Lucky} with us~

Moved back to Taiwan, I brought two of larger patchwork totes with me, but they are too big for scooter compartment when we take ride. It is safe to put the totes or purses under that scooter compartment while riding. I knew I need to make a smaller tote to carry when we go out. When I went to the store last time, I bough two small pieces of linen and cotton blended fabric.  I really love how the little circus theme goes with the aqua print together.    The aqua check print is double side printed, so I reverse the print for the longer and larger than handle. For the closure, I used simple leather closure piece and used hand-sewing thread attached on the tote.  For the lining, I used nice floral print that made in Taiwan. The quality is nice and soft.

As you can see, I carry many pouches in the bag. There are small sketchbooks and pens in one pouch and my weekly planner, keys, phone, coin pouch and sometimes S' sketchbook and pens.  The city tote is perfect for the scooter compartment. S has been asking for her music tote, I shall return to the sewing table and start making. She has her fabric pick out and I gave her some eye blinks and some tickles... oh dear.. you need to take a guess from here..

The light is dim today as the we have another typhoon coming. We have had12 typhoons this summer and another one is on its way.  Rain is perfect for this time of the season and perfect to be home and sewing. Perfect to sit and write to you~



  1. Sounds very adventurous to be out and about on a scooter!!!
    I really like how you have done the handle on your City tote.
    It is lovely how much care you take finding the right fabrics and sewing things together.
    Stay safe and dry during the typhoon.

  2. Sounds like you and S are enjoying you new adventures. Your tote is fantastic. The elephant print is super cute.
    It is nice to know I'm not theonly one that carries to much in her purse :)

  3. I was amazed at the number of scooters on the road when I was in Taiwan. Some carrying entire families! Glad to hear you are having fun in the cooler evenings, but typhoons? Not so much!

  4. A fantastic bag, and lovely to hear about your scooter adventures, it sounds quite exciting. And I loved seeing what's in your bag, all very neat and organised I think. It must be nice to be inside and dry and cosy during a typhoon, although I hope it's not too bad. I guess everyone is fairly used to them. Can't wait to see what fabric Stella has picked for her music tote!

  5. great bag, Chase. And how fun that you get to enjoy your evenings riding on your scooter and exploring the city.

  6. Great bag. I adore the fabric!

  7. I am so glad to see the content of your bag! :) It is similar to my tote: too many little pouches for my necessities :) I like it :) Your choice of fabrics is very nice! Enjoy the cooler weather! :)


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