
Monday, June 24, 2013

Random: Sew together

Last late night, the rain came rather quick and harsh. It rained all night long and was pouring so hard early this morning. The thunders came so quick and loud. S was shivering and calling mama.. mama.. It must be a bit of frighten as she hasn't experienced the real summer rainy season here.  Boy, didn't the rain cool of the temperature! We both loved the rain, but not the thunders.

Each day, we approach our new lifestyle a bit differently. We are giving it a little extra time to adjust everything, but we both anxious to work together again. The new table we shared is half of the working table that we had before and little small, but that bring us closer. Now we sit side by side, so I could over look S' writing and help her with her study. Yes, we began our homeschooling last week; little by little.  No heavy study, but we are getting to know each other's study habits. So far, this little team is doing well! Only, we'd love to expended subjects out a little more.  Dad has gotten some seeds and fresh soil for us, but we needed to find some containers to start our little garden. It might be interest to grow veggies in a narrow balcony? well, let's hope something will grow!

I started the English Paper Piecing {EPP} last week, but didn't finish it right away. Our weekending is still full of busy visiting with relatives and getting supplies ready.  The EPP is called {Bridal Bouquet}. It is such nice and fun block to work with. It is finished at 10"x10"! Really big! I'd love it in 7" or smaller. It would be perfect for some small zakka projects! I plan to transfer into a small wall hanging.

How I wish to show your some Flea Market photos, but it is not allowed! I couldn't snap photos when I went. This past weekending, we did check out a Singer sewing machine, but it only comes with straight foot, so I told dad I decided to look for a new machine instead. I have found an online seller for the sewing machine, but waiting for the reply. Finger crossed for some good lucks!

Thank you for all your sweet comments on the {last post}. I forgot to invited you to share  if you have any amazing meet up with your sewing fellows? I'd love to hear about them and love you share with us. 

My slightly bad news is that the laptop has been looked up by the computer engineer. The hard drive is no longer able to retrieve the files and photos. Sadly, I lose all the years in ND photos, important design documents, PDF files that I've purchased, so on... The only place that I can look up our years in ND would be in this blog. Now, I thankful this blog, so we have kept some good photos. I'd love to print out some photos from this blog, does anyone of you have print photos from your blog? I'd love to know or any online storage for digital files and photos.



  1. For photos I use;you can store up to a terabyte free. You can place security around who you want to see what photos.

    For files I use; you can store up to 15GB for free.

    I do find that I am looking for more space on files as I also have pdf and things I want to keep. So not sure if 15GB is big enough for your needs.

    Sorry to hear about your hard drive crash.
    Love your new EPP project.

    1. Thank you! I sure will store all the photos in Flickr. I need to get more familiar with Goodle Drive. xc

  2. Oh... NOOOO!!! I must be cry hard if that happened to me too - how about flickr ? didn't you keep some over there too. Good luck for you two, hope the life comes so smooth and both of you happy with your life.

    1. Hha.. I did! but that was when I dropped the computer down. It is not that great, but I know crying will not give the files and photos back. I do have saved some photos on Flickr, but not many. :( xc

  3. So sorry about your laptop problem. I would hang on to it nonetheless; you may one day find someone who can retrieve everything for you. I have heard that things don't disappear - they are there somewhere. At some point in the future you may be able to get everything back - I do hope so. Beautiful English paper piecing - this is the method I use all the time. Hope you both have a lovely week.

    1. Yes! I am going to save it.. Hopefully in the future the technology will be able to read any files that got damaged. ... :) fingers crossed.. xc

  4. Chase I'm so sorry to hear about your hard drive. Do hang onto it in case.....

    I have heard good things about Blackblaze for which you pay a monthly fee but automatically backs up everything. I haven'e used it myself but may one day. Details below
    I currently use Shutterfly as a spot for free storage for some of my special photos. You can have discs made and sent back to you. I have also made books and calendars using my photos.
    I know there are other options out there as well as having your own external back up system.

    I'm not sure if you can access your flickr photos for downloading and printing etc - I'll have to check it out.

    Have you sent photos via email to friends or family who may be able to send them back to you?

  5. So sorry about your laptop. I use Backblaze for off site backup. I have it automated to back up changed files continuously. It's about $50 a year and SO worth it for peace of mind. Easy to set up. The first back up can take a while depending on how much there is to save. 

    I agree--keep your damaged hard drive. Someone should be able to recover your files. 

  6. I love reading about your adventure you are having with your daughter. My little ones are too young for school work but I love sitting with them at the table while they do puzzles and I do handwork. It makes me so happy. I am so sorry to read about your computer. I hope you find a good way to print your photos.

  7. The bridal bouquet block is so adorable. Love your choice of fabric - as always! Hope you will get the new sewing machine very soon, must be hard to be without one.

  8. Hi Chase, I've been sick for the last few months and am just catching up on your adventures!!! My hard drive went as well but I was still able to get all my data and photos retrieved. It would be very unusual not to be able to rebuild the data files. Please hold into it as I'm sure all's not lost.


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