
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Random: In Progress

S decided to use small planting pots for her seeds. We rode on the scooter together in the rain to the store. It was a bit fun to ride in the rain, but we all got soaked wet when we got home. She loves the speed in the scooter, oh don't get me wrong. I am a slow rider after a scooter accident many years ago.  We jump right in the planting  project together. I am a little nervous these seeds might not grow as they were sat in the package for unknown time. S planted wheat, corn { in the pot?}, peas, and unknown seeds. She started a growth chart and did a little survey on which seed would grow out first. What is your guess? Mine were wheat and pea. I'd love to add some herbs in to our baloney garden; rosemary, basil, and chives.

After weeks of checking and shopping. We finally found a new piano for S. It is similar to the one we have had. When the delivery people came, S' face was just lighten up like a mini light bulb.  She was waiting nicely while they assemble the stand. She was quietly checking on the manual. She was really just smile when I saw her face;  putting the earphone on herself; adjusting the fits...   She played her music for the first time after a month since we moved { oh dear.. we have moved a month as of today in states}.  The fingers are finding their patterns and finding their memories. I knew, she was more than the word "happy" to describe having a piano again. The challenge is we still not able to find a fit teacher, but we will keep checking the possibilities.

As you see,  the quilted piano cover moved with us. It was made the first year we moved to ND. It is a little bit wear out, the lines were a bit off, but it has been part of S' music memories. I thought it would give S some home alike setting when we found a piano again.  It fits the new piano perfectly. We do need to find a small stool for her feet. The piano is placed in the room where we are staying. If you picture a studio home that's how the room we stay is alike, a place to sleep, a place to work, a place to read, a place to spend some fun time together... It has been an over the moon day for S, so does her mama.

The new sewing machine is being purchased and it will be ship sometime this or next week. It is a Brother machine. The features are rather simple and thought that's all I need for now.  It will allow to sew straight line, zippers, buttonholes, etc. I am really looking forward the machine to come and I could give it a drive. It is my time to wait quietly till the machine arrive! till then, I am playing fabric for next project.



  1. I'm happy for Stella - nothing better than to see sparkling on kid eye :) . Oh Chase, time flew so quick.. before you know it will be the end of the summer *sigh, why I upset to see all fall ornaments already hanging on every store I visit ?

  2. Yes, wheat and pea will be first :) Good for experiments are bean and cucumber or pumpkin too :) (yes, pumpkin is too high of course).

    I believe, that Stella is very happy girl in this time, she can practice her fingers again :)

    Oh, and new sewing machine!!! Great! I can´t wait to see your new sewing projects :)

    Have a great time, Jola

  3. How exiting for S to be playing her music again. Good luck with you new machine. I hope it arrives soon so you can start having some sewing fun :)

  4. A piano for Stella and a sewing machine for you. Bliss I think! I look forward to seeing what you make first.

  5. It looks like you are =settling in and things will be feeling like home again soon. A piano and a sewing machine sound like perfect equipment to feel like home.


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