
Monday, May 6, 2013


S and I loaded up the car and took our furniture, box fans, tables, storage units to the community rummage sale on Saturday. We sold most of our larger furniture and it feels great that we will move less! Tomorrow our couch will be going to a new home { S is a bit sad, since she loves that couch so much}.   As I stayed throughout the sale, S went with our friend to her violin class and later she went swim with the family. She had a great day! After I came home picked up few boxes for donation and a quick trip to the grocery store I was ready for a little quiet and rest time. 

The Saturday afternoon was quiet and then made the simple tote for my friend Elisa's birthday after a little rest at home. She turned 45 yesterday and we had a little celebration together. She is originally from Mexico and always so warm and kind! Her Mexican food are the best! I have requested a dish for the next weekend gathering. The base width of the tote is really wide; 5", since Elisa carries large folders for her classes, so it is perfect size for her.

It must be the spring or phase a little resting after the busy week. I pulled out many new fabrics and started a new tote for myself.  The pattern is hourglass pattern. Since we'll be traveling so soon. I though I'd making a tote with a cover on the top, so that would give some privacy.

You know! It is cheese cake time! I love baking cheese cake in the spring and summer time. We like "cool" sweets in these seasons. It makes everything taste better!  After take the cake out of the oven it needs to be refrigerated overnight, so tomorrow we will have some after school. 

The afternoon was warm and sunny! S went outside to work on her poster.  She likes to be outside when the weather is nice, so she can enjoy the fresh air.  She keeps tell me that the grass is greener each day. Yes, her favorite color, green. The tree buds are coming, but slowly~ We hope to see some green trees before we depart.

S has published her first {blog post} today. If you get a chance, please stop by.


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