
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Random: heading East

Happy May 1st! When we lived in Iowa, Julie always prepared May first baskets for the kids that she babysit. Of course, S got one, too! Inside the basket always full with homemade cookies,  little flowers that kids picked from the morning walk and a note from each kid to their mama and dada.  I heart that tradition in Julie's house!

It has been a week that full with busy and some better news from the travel agent.  We should have everything settle by the end of the week. Thank you for all your well wishes I think they worked! Thank you for all the sweet and lovely comments on {keep it simple}.  {Thank. You}.

It is May 1st! We are moving in 24 days from today! Finally, I am more settled and ready to share with you where we are heading! It is not a secrete, but we have not feel that we are ready for this and with all the busy events lately. Everything just got postpone..

It has been little over a year of decision making and planning about where we heading. We are heading to East, Taiwan for a year! The thought for going to Taiwan came to me the summer before my last year of graduate study. I have listed many pros and cons about the move. S and I have talked about it before we approach our family. The move scars her to begin with. Every time, we talk about the schooling in Taiwan that brought her lots tears. She is fluent in conversation and listening, but reading and writing are not something that she can work with like her English.  We have done some new study at home since then, but it is still limited.  I have promised that we'll work together and we'll have great experiences instead of worrying not being able to catch up. 

I have always though it would be great to let S exposes to the culture that I came from, but it has been hard to find the good timing to do so. The post graduate year seems appropriate for taking the year off. This year would allow S and I spend time together, read, travel, make arts, be with family, and of course, pup, Lucky, the boy.

Beginning of this year, I have approached so many blog friends who homeschooling their children { thank you friends for you kindness}. There are so many information about homeschooling and I made many phone calls to find out the appropriate way for homeschooling. This is the part that I am not ready for! Homeschooling S for her U.S. study. I went and sat in her classroom one day in February and try to figure out how the teachers teach and oh boy, it is not as easy as I thought. Many of our friends have kindly offer Skype reading time with S once a week and help out her study via Skype. It really helps me out in many ways.  {My stars of Learning} is where S will post her readings and things that she enjoys while oversea. It is considered a portfolio that she can record her study on her own, so we can submit it in when we return next year to the school where we'll be.

My mom is overjoyed when I told her on the phone back in March. Oh, no screaming or tears! But I could hear her voice was higher when I told her our decision. That's a lot for my mom; a very conservative lady. I know that we'll have an interesting year together, but we'll try to be sweet and kind to each other.  It will be some adjustment to live with family again, but S and I both started looking forward coming home that grandma might be cooking dinner and Lucky might be waiting to play.

S is finally comfortable to share and talk about the move! She still unsure about schooling in Taiwan. She has many uncertain feelings about study in Chinese, but she will do well and hope gain tremendous great experiences for her little life.  She helps out packing her books and toys to store away. She picked out the clothes that she would like to take with. She gets involved with the move and be part of this adventure this time.

We'll still be here at {1/4" mark}, but we are away from the land that many of you and I are stand for. It doesn't seem like that going oversea is so difficult this time, but we do have more preparations to make and careful planning for S' schooling.

Within the year of oversea:
S will ...
-attend Taiwan's elementary school as an exchanged student and learn some Chinese.
-wear uniform to school everyday.
-greet the teacher before class starts and when class ends.
-spend time with extended families
-have a real pet, Lucky
-go to market with grandma at 6a.m. in the morning
-enjoy night markets
-travel to South East Asia
-experience different holiday traditions
--- much more

I, on the other hand would like take the post graduate year to work on some new sewing patterns and possible some a new quilt. A full suitcase of fabric is what I am taking and a full suitcase of books is what S is taking.  We both have our loves! 

The year of 2013 has been so great already even it is only May!  I hope to keep blogging and sharing even we are oversea. I'd love to show you my hometown and show you some fun places. Of course, I will continue sharing sewing with you and keep {shop} running.  This blog brought S and I many amazing friendships and many encouragements to keep moving on the days good and bad! Thank you for coming here to read a bit of this and that~  

Stella.. are we ready for this adventure? It is going to be an excellent year ahead of us, i promise you!



  1. I really enjoy your blog and have never commented before. What an exciting post!! I am very excited for you and S!!! You r year in Taiwan will give you all such great memories, ENJOY the Adventure!

  2. Dear Chase : Thank you for sharing your stories, I really enjoy the stories you wrote, just remember, there is nothing better place than HOME, no matter what home you will go, your motherland home, your own home.. there always something similar, the love you will share and get from everyone closed to you. I'm happy for you, hopefully Stella will adjust the new life easily. Good Luck, Chase

    1. Thank you!! Yes! Home is where we are and we take it with us~ We'll make home as we move and change. We are ready for the move, but I am not ready to put away my sewing room. cheers~ xc

  3. I'm sure it's going to be a wonderful experience for you and your daughter.
    Best wishes!

  4. Best of luck to you and S. I know it will be exciting, scary, and you will always remember this year.

  5. Oh May gosh - this sounds really like an adventure... Good luck to you. Love the beautiful photos on this Post...

  6. Excited and happy for your decision to spend a year in Taiwan. I'm sure it will be full of some wonderful adventures for you and S - and I know your family will LOVE having you with them.

    I wish you all the best!

  7. What an exiting year you all will have!
    I enjoy reading your blog and seeing what you are sewing and this will be a true adventure...thanks for sharing and bon voyage!

  8. What and exciting adventure you and S are about to embark on. Thank you for sharing with us. Best of luck. I wish you and S the best. I'm looking forward to reading about what you have been up in Taiwan.
    Great photos!

  9. I wish you and S the best of luck for all the wonderful adventures waiting ahead! Like you, I am raising my children here in the U.S. away from my own family in Asia (Japan) and I know exactly what you mean when you mention about your desire to expose your lovely daughter to the culture that you came from... Changing schools is always a challenge for any child, but I know S will do just fine with all the "support system" that she will be getting from you and your family members! Good luck and I look forward to your posts from Taiwan!! Hugs,

    1. Thank you, Amy~ Hope that when she is older she will remember the great time that she spend oversea and learning some different culture. Sure will share Life in Taiwan and places to visit~

  10. What a fantastic decision. I doubt either of you will regret it. Such an opportunity for a cultural and extended family immersion, which is a wonderful education in itself! Congratulations! I'm glad to know you'll still be quilting and blogging, too! ENJOY!!

  11. Oh Chase, I am so happy for you! What an amazing opportunity for Stella to experience another culture for an extended period of time. I know the move will be hard, but once you get there it will all be fine. Good luck though moving back in with your Mom-that might be the only hard thing! Once you leave it's hard to go back! Please keep blogging and posting pictures! And if you ever need anything from the U.S. I would be happy to send it to you-

  12. Wonderfull quarter inch mark, I am excited to read and see your new adventures, for me yours' is the homiest blog on the internet, so wherever you are thats' always going to be homey and interesting, and a generous place that you share, with us, so thank you and bon voyage, Chase

  13. Yay!! Such an amazing time ahead for you two! Cannot wait to see pictures of Taiwan :)

  14. congratulations to you! you have a beautiful spirit and beautiful gifts. thank you for sharing them! your next year will be unforgettable!!

  15. So very exciting!
    What a gift you are giving yourself and Stella!
    Learning from life is the best schooling there is...
    All the best!

  16. How exciting Chase, I know you will both have many happy adventures, and what an amazing experience for Stella, even if she is a little apprehensive to start with. I know she will quickly settle in with you by her side and family around her, and she will make memories that will last a lifetime. I am so happy for you both. And the photos - beautiful.

  17. This is an exciting time for you two. I wish you all the luck and I hope you will be blessed in your new adventures.

  18. Beautfiul pictures of the two of you- so happy and lively, it is going to be a great year!

  19. Dear Chase, really great exciting news! I wish both of you many happy adventures! :) And I am happy to read, that you will be still blogging and sewing too :) Have a great time!!! Jola *

  20. what exciting news and such brave and amazing mom you are! I think this experience will be fundamental in Stella's life and sure she'll loves it!

    best wishes for your both!!!

    ps. Loooove the pictures!

  21. How totally wonderful, Chase. Hope you and Stella have an amazing year with your family.

  22. Good luck Chase and Stella, I've loved following your blog and I'm glad we'll still hear from you when you move - I'm really looking forward to your photographs of Taiwan and wondering what sort of fabrics you'll find to make new things with.
    Safe journey and all the best,

  23. What a lovely, gentle, caring, thoughtful and kind Mum you are - all your efforts in making sure S will settle in and be happy living and learning in Taiwan are so wonderful to see. Thank you for sharing your story with us all, and I hope your next several days of packing and sorting go well. We are looking forward to reading of your adventures in Taiwan! Cat.

    1. Thank you! I hope she'll have a great year oversea. With lots new things to learn and spend good time with families. She will understand more when she grow up, but I know it is hard to understand it.

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