
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Random: waiting...

It is quite empty in some part of {1/4" mark home}. Boxes are everywhere, empty shelves, and trying to use last bit of the free time to sew more TOVA! I am working on a Tova dress this time. Linen is somewhat my top sewing Tova fabric, but I am waiting for another fabric to arrive that would be light weight cotton almost lawn fabric. 

Baking pans are in the box this morning and the baking pan family grew a little over last three years and there are few things still aren't in there yet! S and I are talking about making a batch of cookies before the move and a promise cheese cake to make for our dear friend before we go.

A month from today we'll hit the road and it is getting excited and nervous for us! S has packed her box {the blue one} it is the very first gift that my dad picked it up and sent to her last year. It means a lot to her.  I try not to check what she has there and the little pouches on the side are her traveling fund. She likes to find little souvenir for herself  when we travel.

Our windows are finally open during the day, but still cold. It feels really fresh to have the window open during the daytime and cozy up again at night time. I am waiting calmly these days to hear more from my travel agency.  I do feel need some good Lucks lately, but it'll all be ok at the end! 



  1. Change is always so hard. It will be difficult for you two to leave your friends there but you will have each other! You have a wonderful relationship and are both so talented that wherever you go, you will make new friends and enjoy new adventures! I can't wait to see what you two get up to next!

  2. I love what Tricia said and I couldn't have said it any better or agree more. Thinking of you...

  3. I agree with the above comments, it will be hard for you but exciting at the same time. It will be a good adventure for you and S and you will make new friends and see many new wonderful things. You will always have your memories of the past and all your blog followers will be right here giving you courage and support.

  4. Your photos are so beautiful - it's just a pleasure to read your blog. Best wishes to you with your goodbyes and your new beginnings!

  5. You are so busy, you put me to shame! Just wanted to say that I hope you get all of the good luck you need and more. You certainly deserve it, for both of you.

  6. Looks like you're making progress, Chase! I spy a little bunny pouch there... :) Happy packing!


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