
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Random: time to sew

Snow came and mostly gone from yesterday. The air smells soft, maybe we can't really smell the soft air. It is unlike the bitter cold air that's so harsh when we inhaled in during the winter. Oh, may I say, Spring is here?

I have taking so much photos lately with the lovely flowers. I am so inspired by my friend { M}. I love her photos and of course her {quilts}. I wish to visit her someday and play with her {pup}.  This morning, Tulips were most ready to say goodbye. S saved some of the flower petals and there are a few still living.  A little celebration of spring, so a little flower arrangement seems appropriate by the sewing machine.

Last night, I finished the half-triangles piecing and I must admitted they needed a little redo here and there. There are some points didn't match up as I like.  The sewing skill on the angles is not being exercises for a long time and the new intention is sew more now on. Next project would be hourglass that would help points matching and sew with triangles.

Did you make a Tova by any chance?  It is on my {to-own} sewing pattern list since it was out. The last time I made a top for myself was nearly 5 years ago. I have hard time to make shirts for myself, since I am between sizes. Sometimes, it is too small on the shoulders and narrow on the arm holes.  Then my good night reading was  {Kerry's Tova Sew along posts}. Thanks to Kerry's posts that given lots great tips on adjusting parts of the pattern.  I plan to use cotton fabric that has been pre-washed. It is going to be a perfect fabric for the sample sewing. Then could use some other fabric that I have been saved for sewing garments. So far, I think the big challenge is sewing the center front inset and placket. Oh.. It would be a wonderful spring outfit.

time to sew



  1. Your flowers look beautiful. Very inspiring. I want to sew the Tova shirt or even a dress, too. I'm looking forward to seeing your progress. Happy sewing!

  2. Absolutely love those half square triangles1
    Cottilello x

    1. Thank you!! I haven't get much finish today.. maybe this weekend..

  3. Wow, those photos of the flowers are just amazing! May I ask what camera and lens do you have? I just bought Nikon D3200 DSLR and want to learn how to make gorgeous pics like you do! :)

  4. Really lovely Photos Chase, good for you for trying out some clothing adventures!

  5. I think spring is just about here too. I haven't made a Tova yet, but they are lovely. I am working up to making a skirt!

  6. those flowers are ones I don't think I have ever seen. I am loving HST and flying geese lately. I'm not a fan of the Tova top but I know lots of people have made it and are very happy with it.


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