
Saturday, March 2, 2013


 { surprised package}

 { colors of spring}

 {bucket for library afternoon}

 {recycled egg container for boiled eggs}

 { another piece of hand-quilting}

{S' puppy plantation}
Weekending seems arriving so soon each week!  When we came home  from S' music class and there was a brown package sat by the door step. It is a package from Nishiki! She brought me some lovely fabrics from Japan and milk candy for S.  These polka dots prints are so cute and vibrate!  I love the varies of sizes on them! What to make now?   She is coming to visit us in April. We have promised each other to cook everyday and just enjoy the gathering.

We have been recycling our egg containers for a long time. I often cut it down in sections. It is great for boiled eggs and leave the eggs shall in the container. Another great use of it is for crafts and small beans. A few year ago, I used it to start tomatoes plants. Have you try any?  

The {patchwork bucket} is great for library afternoon. I've always set my patchwork pieces and sewing kit in and take the bucket with me.  I have seen so many lovely patchwork buckets on {Flickr} lately! It is so lovely to see your patchwork buckets and the story that you shared. 

S, finally gather a little puppy plantation here! These puppies are everywhere on the table we shared and of course, the fabric stashes are everywhere on the table. S had to dig them out and recount her puppies, so far none is missing~

Off our library afternoon and the {destash listings} are up and running; few more listing to add later. {thank. you} for snitch up from the {shop}!

How's your weekending?


  1. Your hand quilting always looks so nice, Chase - would you mind telling me, do you use a hoop? I probably should know that answer as I've been reading your blog for quite a while now.


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