
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Random: spring break Thursday

 {needle books}

 { soft and floral}

 { she has been waiting}

 { so retro}

 { free motion quilting}

 { perfect print}

{ dots, dots, dots, dots, dots}

This week is the spring break for me { that allows me to be here all week long}! Yes, I feel so lucky to have a full week off during the day while S is in school. S feels a bit of "unfair" that mama gets to stay home for all the fun things and possible eating some sweets and drinking tea. I have promised that once she made it to the college; she will have spring breaks! Her look was surprised and can't wait till she is in college. I counted in my head she will need another maybe 9 or 10 years to reach that point {hope she takes her time to make to that point}.  However, this is my last spring break as a student. I try to enjoy as much as I can and not to waste of the time.  This morning, I looked back my days that I have been off... I have been sewing like storms and enjoy the time alone at home and yes with tea and a bit of sweet treats, but don't tell S.

Completed two new mini needle books yesterday. The left one is going to be send out to a friend and I am keeping the right one. The new needle book will be for the between needles. It will be easier for me to find them and not need to dig in the other needle book.  Never too many needle books, right?

 Lately, I am looking for soft and floral prints and felt the need of some.  Soon after I stand in front of the fabric section,  I spot these floral prints.  They are 1/4 yard cuts, since I am not sure if I will stay in soft and floral for very long.  They will turn into a smallish quilt. Randomly... pieces. 

The free motion quilting is fun when they are smallish! Until this year, I have felt comfortable with machine quilting.  It does come with many practices and understanding the machine.  { Free Modern Quilting with Angela Walters} guide to machine quilting book is a great book for the adding to the quilting library at home. From this book, I have learn how to handle free motion quilting { from setting the machine tension, batting choose, needles, and many more}and create my own design. If you are trying free motion quilting it is a good quilting book that I would recommend to you.

This morning, a new layer of snow was layer on the ground and the visibility of the city drive is low. We should Miss Spring is here, but it will be a little while still.  Another day to be home... a bit of cleaning from last night's crazy making, a bit of baking as S is asking for some chocolate cookies, a bit of much sewing,  as  Spring break ends after tomorrow then weekending approaches us.




  1. Again nice sewing!!! Your needlebooks are so small! :) So cute :) And soft and floral fabrics are really nice! And by the way... we love chocolate cookies too, I should bake something :) Have a nice day, Jolana

  2. Happy spring break to you! Love your work - your needle books are so lovely!

  3. I am also on Spring Break...but I have NOT been getting as much done as you have! I have finished the binding for one charity quilt but I have mostly spent time with my college kids (watching movies, eating treats, laughing, etc.). I have also done a LOT of blog surfing and catching-up on what everyone else is making out there in Blogland. School starts again next week...sigh. You are lucky, though--I still have 2 more semesters to go after this one!
    Take care and give that darling little S a hug from your "blog friend" in Utah!


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