
Friday, July 6, 2012

Random: Dumplings

The humidity is back to normal. On the 4th the humidity  reached the highest point of the week, but now we have some really nice breeze came in from windows.  Yesterday morning, I woke up early in the morning and start making these dumplings. It is simple and easy to make. I plan enlarge the pattern and make larger version.

 You might have remember my{ swoon quilt} that I made in April. I used the leftover scraps made a {patchwork handbag} and still have two pieces of patchwork left. I though would make another tote for daily use, but simply mistakes happened. The measurement was 2 inches off and I don't have much leftover fabric for making up plan. 

I saw these cute dumplings in Flickr few weeks ago and download the pattern { you can click and download your own}. These dumplings are fast to make the only trick is baste zipper by hand then sew that  would make the zipper stay in shape!

This is the {harder version} which is resulted very small, but I think it is fairly easy to make if you are a sewer who sew most of the time.

This is the {easy version}, which is the same to the other one, but only bigger.  I plan to enlarge this version to make a larger ones. I think these dumplings are great for storing small sewing project such as hexie patchwork or storing sewing needles, thread spools, and small scissors.

With two leftover patchwork pieces. I was able to make 4 dumplings. Yes, as I mentioned earlier. I am  sad that I had to wasted some of patchwork pieces in order to get the pieces cut. I saved some large pieces and I hope I will transfer them into something else. It is a great feeling that I have used up all my swoon quilt fabric scraps for different projects.

This morning, I set out two jars for sun tea. One is raspberry tea { of course} and the other one is rose tea. It is raining this morning and the weather is cooler. We are back in long sleeves and windows are half way down.



  1. Sooo cute! I want to try to make one (or a few).

    1. These are so easy to make! You will be able to make on in very short one!! I think both are easy manage! I used 12 inches zipper instead of 14 inches. Still gives me room to do the basting.

  2. Your little dumplings are so adorable! And, I'm sort of envious of your weather. It's going to be another 100+ degree day for us here in Chicago, no fun at all.

    1. Oh no!! Hope you have AC around the house! I think our heat wave might passing through your state. Try to stay cool and drink lots iced tea. I hope the weather keeps stay in the 80's. Have fun playing these dumplings. They are fun to make and great for gifts...

  3. really cure Chase! youve inspired me yet again!

    1. Thank you!! Penny, I can't wait to see what you make now!!

  4. these turned out really cute!
    is that denim you've used as well?

    1. All the pieces are from the swoon quilt, so all are quilting weight. The darker fabric is called Painter's canvas by Laura Gunn. You might want to check out her other colors. They are very nice and I'd say it is a big heavier than the quilting weight cotton. x

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you, Julie! Hope you get to make some too!!

  6. Such lovely little bags, Chase! Glad you've had some relief in the weather department.

    1. It does feels good today!! My coffee is brewing and dishes are put away. Home is still mess due to the little camp was going on last night.. But the air is good. Today I am hoping to make another jar of sun tea. Working on next tutorial and hope to get it done and share next week!! Hope you have some good weather there as well!! x

  7. Those dumplings are so adorable!!! Everyone has those leftover blocks and this is a great project idea for them. You could put your little hexies in them (if you make more).
    I like your idea of making green sun tea, so I made some too. It was so good, I'm making more today!
    Thanks for all the inspiration :)

    1. I am glad you made some green sun tea. Give a little shake of your tea, ice, and sugar together. It brings out more tea flavor. I hope you make some of your dumplings. They are really fun to make!! Enjoy your day~ x

  8. Chase, i can't believe that your blog wasn't in my reader until today. i love your style. those dumplings are fantastic. i love how you repurposed them. by using smaller pieces of a larger patchwork your dumplings look like a piece of something bigger. and that makes me smile :)

    1. I hope you get to make your own dumplings. Thank you for adding me to your reader. As a sewer/ quilter, I think we all dislike to waste any material that we got. A good way to use up every little bit of it!! That makes our day good and happy! x

  9. Just found these and your blog on pinterest. These are soooo great! You have a beautiful site and so much great stuff!

    1. Thank you!! Please take your time browsing around and let me know if you need more information on certain project. I will try my best to explain. Have a wonderful day~ x


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