
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Random: Accomplishments

Thank you for the kind comments on the { Tutorial:  English paper piecing hexagon patchwork}. Please do let me know if I can be more helpful!  I love taking pictures when I work. It is a way of documenting my work in process steps and also reminded myself how long does it take for me to accomplish one project.  The strawberry jam is a success! Although, it is not very jam alike, more like sauce. We had our first half jar opened and spread on the toasted toast. Yumm... We might try to add some on ice cream.

I finished the hexagon patchwork hand-quilting and would like to start the second tutorial soon. It has been really humid and hot here for last two days. Since we don't have an AC, so I went and got a second fan. The hot air is running within our place, so it is hard to sit and sew.b Hope the air cools down soon, so I can be more productive! As I was in the hardware store, I saw some half gallon jar in the store and though they are going to be perfect for making more sun tea. Awhile ago, I broke our sun tea glasses { two at the once. One jar slipped off my wet hand and my other hand was trying to catch then the other one just came after...}  and haven't found one.  We love drinking cool sun tea and I think these half gallon jars are going to be perfect for making sun tea.  Do you like sun tea?? My favorite is raspberry tea and added two pieces of fresh mint and some frozen fresh raspberry.....

I made some new patchwork pieces since the scraps bowl was full again!! I got a good stash going on and will make them into either placemats or a table quilt. I am waiting the air cool off, so I can sew again. Meanwhile, we spent most of day time in school studio and getting more artwork done, drinking sun tea and enjoy long summer listed movie, and some summer reading.  Stay cool if your place is running a heat wave this week.. Drink lots water and stay inside..



  1. Chase,
    I wish you lived closer and you could come and enjoy our cool house and we could sew scraps all day long, while my daughter and Stella play together.
    Stay cool. go to a movie if you need to.

    1. Thank you, Julie!! You are so sweet and kinda!! It is getting better today, but still hot around our place! We spent our day in my school studio today and got some cool air around us. xChase

  2. Glad your jam turned out well, Chase, if a little runny. Yeah, the ice cream idea sounds perfect, both because of the jam's consistency and because of the heat. Lucky Stella! Your hexies and scrap log cabins are amazing!!!!! Hope your heat wave breaks soon!

    1. haha... I have two half gallon jar of sweet raspberry tea to back me up from the hot weather. I think I might need more in case I have them all in the morning. Hexies are waiting for me...hope this week I can get some sewing work start. xChase

  3. Even though I've made a hexi quilt, it was fun to look at your tutorial. I think I did everything the same as you. Except you're more organized than I was, haha!!
    Strawberry jam is always a soft set jam, so I'd say yours turned out perfect :) As long as it's delicious, it's a success. Looking at your photos, I could almost smell the berries, mmmm.
    If you want a firm jam, try making plum jam. Sometimes mine turns out like cement, haha!! It still tastes great and we eat it all up. :)

    1. Thank you, Kim! I have tried the strawberry jam for ice cream and it tasted very good! Plum jam? I never had that,but there's a local friend who goes out in the country and gets fresh plums and apples. I might ask her to take me with. Hexies piecing are addicting! My hope still is making a quilt, but I will wait a little while before I start. xChase


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