
Monday, June 25, 2012

Random: { me and the impossible quilt}

What do you think of this quilt? I just finished hand-binding this afternoon and did the photograph.  If I tell you I didn't like it would you think that I am crazy? After spent all the money, labor, and time that I invested in this quilt.  Am I out of my thinking? I called this quilt { me and the impossible quilt}. 

Three years ago, when I met a local quilt lady we had this idea to used English paper piecing method and make a Grandmother's Garden quilt. Soon after we got our own fabrics, paper hexes, and cut the fabric. She had an eye surgery.  We met 4 times total for this project. Between then this project has been put away since! Three years later,  I did not any of these colors together, but I can pick a few prints that I still love.  I did not like these small packaged fabric were flowing around the storage room and I knew they were sad to be put away.

Two years ago before I moved away from Iowa and had a big garage sale. These fabric packages were once in the {sale} side. However, I packed them and move them with me. During the last two years, I never have any intention of finishing this quilt. I used the pieced hexes and made them into
{handmade napkins} and was really happy how they turn out. I sent them away for a swap and I hope my friend will love them as much as I do. The rest of the squares were still sitting. You probably have seen me post here and there about working slowly on this quilt. Again, I wasn't really happy about it! It almost became a labor quilt rather than a quilt that I love { does it sound just so negative about it?} 

As you see each nine patch blocks are different. It is not intentionally design differently. I changed my mind from the very beginning to the very end. The last assembling was pick up a square as I go. Not really paying any attention to the color matching.

Finally two weekends ago, I made my mind about making these blocks into a {quilt top}. Remember I talked about making it into a picnic quilt? When we were in the fabric store I had the hardest time to find the right sashing and corner prints.  I didn't like any darker colors or large prints. Then S insisted the green polka dot and I went with her idea and another 30 minutes later I decided the corner print.

We came home and I still had questions about these prints that I just bought. I was not confident about the three prints that we got.  I went back to the sewing room and started cutting the pieces. I worked very late that night and got most of the sashes and corner squares sewn together. The next day spent another day  assembled the quilt top together. The edges were well matched and the back seams were all pressed open. Even though I knew I didn't like this quilt much, but I knew that I should give the same respect to it. 

After some hours in basting, quilting, and binding. This quit came to alive and I didn't like it until I saw the last two photos S took for me with the impossible quilt.  The quilt color scheme is so soft which is so different from what I have been working on last few years. The colors aren't eye catchy. It is a very simple quilt nothing special about it.  But I have some appreciations about this quilt! What I appreciated about this quilt is that I could see the frustrations that I have been through last three years; changing ideas and wanting to give up this quilt making.  What I don't see from last three years were I grown into a better quilter and committed myself to become better!  My professor always tells me when I get frustrated that's the time I grow the most. Quilting seems is a habit to some extend, but I see it as a person growth as well. 

This quilt is on my bed now and it is a perfect summer quilt for me! I deleted the idea of turning this quilt into a picnic quilt and will appreciated it and put it in good use now on. It is still a { me and the impossible quilt}. I love W.I.P { work in progress} projects, but I won't wait for another 3 years to finish another quilt. I should enjoy each making process and take the time to make each project in the positive and committed way. All the investments that I put into need to be respected. No just money, but the original motivations and goals. Although the hex quilt never happen in life, but I still have it on { to do} list. It will be the first quilt I will make after finish school.   Do you have one of { you and the impossible quilt} around?



  1. i think this quilt is beautiful. i can see the progress you've made in 3 years just looking at these 9 patches. good for you for finishing it. last year i finished a WIP that was over 10 years old. i ended up cutting it up in fourths to make 4 baby quilts for donation. i definitely didn't like it any more but i was glad to get it out to warm 4 little bodies :)

    1. After reading your comment. I know I am not the only one have troubles getting older project done! It does make me feel good about have it done. I still need a little bit more time to love it! I think/ hope it will grow into me soon!

  2. This is lovely! like you said, the colors are so soft. Good job finishing it up!

    1. Thank you!! You are so kind! My fabric colors surely have changed since three years ago. I try to recall when I got these fabric and why I loved them when I bought them. I am happy this quilt is done and is being used everyday since I finished it! x

  3. I think one of the best things of having many quilts is enjoying their different "personalities". This one is pretty to me, and soft spoken. I like the low contrast in value, and the mix of 9 patch blocks with 36 patch blocks. Congratulations on finishing it, and hope you get to love it more and more!
    ; )

    1. Thank you, Marit! The soft and low contrast in value has changed in my stashes. Now, you have reminded me to look four nine-patch blocks together! I am enjoying this new quilt each day! Stella was so inspired by this quilt as well. She helped basted and picked out the fabric. Hope this quilt will remind her summer of 2012. x

  4. Yaaay, a wonderful finish, in more ways than one! I love it, and you must be so happy to have it completed, at long last!

    1. Thank you, Jodi! I am happy to have this quilt done! I feel good about move on to next new quilt top and not feeling guilty about the older w.i.p. quilts. x

  5. love love love the selection of the green fabric for the sashing (yay for Stella!)
    it is a really beautiful quilt Chase, must be great have it done!!

    1. Thank you!! Stella was a big help! Without her insisting, I wouldn't be able to finalized the fabric and this quilt will still be a w.i.p quilt. now I can make some new quilts! yay to more quilting!x

  6. Hi! I'm your new happy follower! How great I found you from Svetlana! And I love this quilt! I like so much small squares and you gave me a good idea how the use them again. Green sashing is perfect for me!
    Sunny wishes from Finnish woman living in Greece! x Teje


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