
Monday, June 18, 2012

Patchwork Sampler

I finished the patchwork sampler a few weeks ago, but forgot to show it to you. I selected 26 of my favorite prints and transferred each print into an alphabet. I love embroidery, but have very limited knowledge about cross stitches. When I tried the cross stitches for J's quilt. The process was very simple and wondered why I never give it a try! I have always been feeling a bit green when I see someone have a cross stitch sampler up on their walls { maybe not very green}. I have loves about alphabet samplers. I have been looking for one in thrift stores and garage sales, but no such luck for me.  Somehow I knew I have to have one! I though patchwork sampler is such appropriate method for me. I did a little research and look up some cross stitches on Google. I kept each little square in 1"x1" and math out what I need for each alphabet!

The backing is undecided! At this moment it is hung next to S' bed. She seems loving it and I think soon she will claim it, hers!  She wants one that's written in her name I think she might be able to achieve it herself, since she began to sew again {perhaps a little help from mama}.  Maybe she can pick out fabric first then I can help her cutting. Wouldn't that be another fun sewing project for her?

I will be dismiss myself this full week! As a MFA student, I continually working on my thesis pieces during the summer time. Since I have had so much fun in the first part of the summer. It is time for me to get back and pay extra hours to the work before I meet with professor in a week. My goal for my last year is not stress myself out too much, but have a great last year in school, forever!   I should be around, but just not able to post daily until I finish the work. The last minute production doesn't fit my working habit, but I let it happened.. oops!   see you in a week then...


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