
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Random: Reset

Yesterday I stayed home and tidy up part of our place then began to sew! Spot the strawberry flower is blooming! We both got very excited about possibility of  strawberries at home. Hope more flowers will come!

Finally I am working on the 2" squares patchwork again. These little squares were supposed to be the hexes quilt, but I never committed myself to make one. Most of the prints are from the 30's reproduction that I got few years back. I don't  think I can find some of prints now, but I am satisfied to make some process again. I really am need a summer quilt!! A quilt that's with lots small floral prints.

A few years ago, I took a workshop and learn how to dye fabric. The blue indigo was one of the project that we did and I was most attached to. I have yards of yards indigo fabric both in linen and cotton from the workshop.  These have been saving  for awhile now! I plan on embroidery these...

The fabric finally arrived! These are going to turn into a birthday quilt that I will be making! This is the first time I order modern floral fabric prints! Very uncertain, since these aren't really my colors and my stashes! My friend who is turning a big five zero loves Amy Butler's fabric color schemes. She has more her books than I do and she doesn't sew! It will be a big surprise for her! 

Yesterday was the last day to upload { show me your stash contest} hosted by Amy Butler. For some reason the flickr pool didn't take my image! Maybe something didn't click through, but Stella had great idea about it! I though she was just fun on her misspelled word {fanamall}!

Heading out of town this morning! I will work on the Take three photos today when I get back from my mini trip to Fargo, so I can post it tomorrow!  Thank you for waiting!


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