
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Random: just me

I am 

-playing the swoon quilt. The backing fabric order came last week, but I am just getting ready to cut the first block this week. a bit slower, but I'd like to take time for this quilt along.

-playing {Kerry's house} again . Kerry was very kind send me a 6" pdf file. I did the template last night. This time I am thinking a little English style house and with some baking and spring theme again.

-finished quilting the {rainbow house} quilt last night. It took two 400 yards spools and 7 hours on the same chair and three movies. by the time when I finished it was 3a.m. the time changing surely is affecting my body timer.

-drinking coffee again! my friend came and helped me printed 2 stone litho in school yesterday. I was the printer, so rolling and charging the ink killed allowed my harms exercises- sore!

- rearranging the fabric store space again! I won't be able to tell you how many times within two months. I've got many plastic containers to store them by colors. I really am afraid to say {plastic} since I try to stay green as much as possible! In a year, we'll be moving and I am planning head for what to take and what not to. 

-having the biggest spring cleaning since the weekend. I have sort through clothes, toys, and shoes. There are still few boxes were never opened since we moved to N.D I went and sort through them. Most of them needed to go! We don't really need much.

- wanting buy this mixer so bad! so bad! the hand mixer I had last me 10 years. Last month when I was mixed the whipped cream it started smoking then stopped on me! I have been using folks to mix the batters, but a great mixer will be a plus! 

- tired! It is spring break, but feels like living in a sewing booth camp, but I love everyday and every minutes of what I do! I spend my day in school and get studio work done while Stella in school. When we get home! We surely spend happy afternoons together! yes, that also involved lots treats and chat! we love talking! 

what have you been doing lately? sewing? crafting? enjoy the sunny day walk? or enjoy open the windows and allow the breeze come in the house? um.. i've got more later to share.. 



  1. Oh spring cleaning! I have been doing odd and ends, but I really need to get into it. The mixer is a great one. I got one as a graduation present from my family (a few years ago) and I love it. You are going to have a lot of fun with it.

    1. It took me a good two weekends to clean up around here and imaging we have a small apartment. It is always hard for me to decide what stay and what must go! I can't wait to get my mixer here! I still can't decide which color I am getting! xo


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