
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Random: {Like} me!

Please {Like} me! I think the spring fever is hitting my body hard lately. Lately after fixing dinner and sat on the chair in the kitchen I am just ready to nap, but Stella always shares her day during our dinner time with me. All her stories and events became lullaby music and my hungry stomach stopped rumbling and made me even more tired.  By 8 p.m. my body slows down even more and by 9 p.m. my eyes are two-third closed. Yes, before 10p.m. I headed to bed and called it for the day! I wish a sunshine day here, so I could take a relax walk and bring a good cup of coffee with me. Um.. Maybe the longer day light have made very thing changed?  The summer is slowly approaching us, but I can't wait! oh dear,   I wish summer is here, tomorrow!   These fabric reminded me Spring and early summer! I am liking the new fabric I have recently purchased from here. I highly recommend fabric from connecting thread. I never bough anything from them, but I enjoyed my shopping at their site.  Maybe this is another fabric store that you can bookmark for yourself.

I pulled these blocks out again and though I need to make another baby quilt soon, since my friend's baby is coming soon! They don't know what they are going to have, so I though I'd keep it simple. It might fit for both girl or boy!

My test house blocks, star blocks, flying geese blocks and other blocks are growing! I would like make these blocks into a quilt and donate it. It has always been something that I would like to do. It is hard at this time due to the space is occupied by school work and life, but I put this as an event for myself. I always admire my friend Victoria contribute her time and work to the project she started a while back. I hope to spare the words for her again..

After all, I think I might need a fresh made cup of coffee now then rest! Stella bough so many sweets home from her sweet friends at school. I think I'd have few to go with the coffee. How about dinner? Um.. let me think? 

Happy Valentine's day to your and yours~



  1. Lack of sunshine makes me less energetic, too. At least our hours of daylight are increasing as we head towards Spring. Hang in there, Chase! Spring is coming.

    Love peeks at the fabrics and blocks you are making. So pretty!

  2. love your fabrics! I wish connecting threads shipps out of US but not! I bought fabrics, books and threads before and always is great shopping there!
    hope spring cames to you soon, here is very cloudy and rainy, but is great!

  3. Ooh, the fabric combination in the first picture is amazing!


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