
Monday, December 19, 2011

Random: Are we there, yet?

It is a feeling of bustle and hustle and make everything happen in last minutes! It is a feeling of am I close to be finish everything on list? I waited another 30 minutes this morning in post office and it was 8:05a.m. the line was outside of the door already! My international package had to refilled a new form, so it was a bit hustle at the line! I felt bad that I could have had it done in the right way! 

A baby quilt is nearly {completed}. I have tonight to get it quilted and bind off! I hope to make a doll quilt to go with this quilt! It is a surprise gift to a friend! I hope I didn't show too much of the surprise here!

S has been writing music! I can only read so many notes to be very honest with you! I learn my music from her! I hope that the college will open an intro piano class next fall. I wanted to learn the piano in the proper way! Although I have been sitting in S' piano lesson for 2 years; sometimes, I would have a sewing project in hand and totally neglected the sounds around me. I am crossing my fingers for that piano class!!! { It would be a great Christmas gift that I would like}.

Mr. Norfork Pine and Miss Poinsettia have join our family yesterday! My lovely friend Danni brought them over! Our family members are growing ever! We enjoy check on them and S reminded me that we needed to get new pots for them to settle in { Another TO-DO list}.

The bathrobe is still as it is! Hope I can get this sewn before the holiday arrives! I will surely show you how it turns out! Today is my last day to the studio. I will be working there for the rest of the day. Then I will start the {REAL} holiday sewing tomorrow! Are you having a bustle and hustle holiday {TO-DO list} on your side of the world? I decided to sit down and write the blog and sip my bitter/ cold coffee before head out for the day~


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