
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Quilt: {In the patch}

{finally} I finished this {mini nine-patches} quilt! I though I started in last December, but I was wrong. It was started in September 2010, then October 2010, then put away  for sometime, then November pass, December 2010 came then January 2011 then it sat nicely and sweetly in the {w.i.p.} pile for the next 11 months. I have had tought time to decided what the backing fabric should be and how the backing should look like. It was not easy on this one!

I knew wanted something {summer.y} and {clean}. I love the season of the Fall, but you probably don't know I love rainy days and sound of the rain! Growing up I love listening to the raindrops and love typhoons; it is similar to the tornado here, but it won't blow houses away, but it can brings lots rain , strong wind, and cause major damage in the mountain area and typhoon is the only unexpected situation the government and schools would call off . I remember we siblings got to stay home and cuddled under the blankets with a good movie and bento boxes{ lunch boxes} mom made the night before school. Um.. all the good memories!

Finally this week I pieced the backing and pin down the quilt then sat in my sewing room for 4 hours and watched 2 movies! It is done! It was very challenging! The quilt is big on the machine than I expected! I might need a wider table to lay the quilt on or I might need to use a roller?! {suggestions?}  My hands were very sore after the quilting! BUT!  All the hours and work have paid off!!

Woke up on Thursday morning I debated if I should machine binding or hand binding. I went with hand-binding again. It took another 3 hours to bound the whole quilt. Of course I was up for other things during this time.  It was just relaxing had my coffee and had S sat by me and we watched a great movie together.

My inspiration for photography is from this amazing quilt . Thanks to the snow falling on Wednesday night! The bright white snow helped out the photos. I had to jumped up high to get the quilt on the tree and glad no one was around watching me. It was 20 degree without any of my gloves, um.. it was cold! freezing!

I love all the {mini nine patch} within the blocks. This quilt is for {ME}. The last quilt I made for myself was 3 years ago. Recent years, I have been making quilts for friends and S. I wanted a quilt just for {me} and enough to cover my new bed and brighten myself! .Of course I will share with S when she gets up in the early mornings and wanted to snuggled with me before school.

{the quilt finished in 68"x80"}
After machine quilt this giant quilt! I am feeling more comfortable with machine quilting. I have some good senses about stopping the machine and pick it up again. The quilting stitches are pretty equal length now. It is the matter of how do I handle the large quilt now. 

 The shadow on the snow is just simple and calm ! I was glad catch it before I stepped away!

The binding fabric is from my stashes {random and bright}! Finally I got the math for the binding yardage! I used the exact fabric strips this time!

So! This is my last {w.i.p.} in 2011! I have done them all! I will soon start on S' 8th birthday quilt and continue {farmer's wife quilt along} blocks, a quilt for mom's 60th birthday { I have my eye on Anna Marie's Horner's new fabric line, a quilt for my dear friend who will be turning 50  next September then maybe a quilt for myself again?? I will slow down and make a simple plan before 2012 arrives! And you?

It is a great feeling about {accomplished} things from the year round {to-do} list and able to see some  cross off marks. {I feel lighter}! Although I gained so much weight physically! The lightness is from the things that have been cross off and been {done}. One of my commit professor met with me about my work before school ended. He mentioned to me that I get bored easily and have new ideas all the time, but he asked me try to stick with one idea and develop into something that will excited me again. My interpretation on that is {focus}! I need to learn to {focus} on each project I created and each duty that I am in! I am pushing that limited and it has been a pretty good impact since! I am smile and glad! Happy Friday to you all~ I am sitting in my living room and watching the snow falling at this moment!



  1. Hi! Greetings from Finland! Your quilts are so fantastic! It's so nice to find other quilters all around the world!
    Yours, Ulla

  2. It's beautiful, Chase! I love all those pretty patches and the fabric for the backing is just perfect.

    Wishing you and your family a wonderful 2012! Happy New Year!

  3. feels great when finish a quilt who has been wait for so long!!
    it is beautiful Chase and the snowy view mix perfect!!

    Wish you 2012 brings health more creativity and beautiful moments in your life with your little one!

  4. Katherine- Thank you! Wish you a Happy New Year~

    RosaMaria- YES! it does feel so good that it is done and I can freely move to a new project or making something new! Happy New Year to you too!

  5. Truly stunning quilt. I absolutely love the colours you have used. Great photography too.

  6. Lovely quilt. The bright colors are great and love mini nine patch. Back is great!

  7. love it. The white and all the patterns is totally my kind of quilt. I like nice and calm busy.

  8. Beautiful quilt! and beautiful photographs!
    I think its even more satisfying to finish a large quilt because it is hard to machine quilt-sort of like you won the wrestling match!

  9. It simply sparkles! Beautiful quilt!!!

  10. Beautiful quilt! I love the fabrics and the design. Great job!

  11. Thank you for all your kind and sweet comments! I am more than thrilled! xxoo


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