
Friday, December 16, 2011

The Joyful Quilt

My right eye decided to stop function properly at the beginning of this week.  Little did I know about take good care of my body such as my eyes ( even though I am pretty grown up!) I overly using my eyes lately! I had to visited the doctor yesterday and finally I am seeing things better today. I was amazed that I got this quilt finished today! This is the first quilt that I have ever completed in a short time frame! 

This is the wreath pattern that measure 6"x6" for each block! However, my first measurement cuts and the second measurement cuts had about 1/8" difference mistakes. I had to just let go with the perfect match: corner to corner. I struggled with it while I was piecing the whole piece together. I knew next time I need to have better plan ahead.

The looping quilting has been my quilting pattern lately! I really like the curly look! It is so fun, but I had two needles broke while I was quilting. The quilting foot wasn't secure enough, so it dropped twice. I did have a dent in the foot and decided to clean the foot last night right away. Later on the quilting  went well!

Isn't this image fun? I haven't done photographing quilts outside for a  very long time. I happened found this concrete wall next to the department and though it might be just fun to photography it from a hard: soft contrast!

The backing was from Michael Miller's that I found here. It was on sale when I got it! The backing just very simple with the entire birds.

I though it is just cute and joyful! I ordered extra fabric because I am starting a Holiday quilt collection!  I know it is crazy that I am planning stash up MORE {fabric}.

 I drive cross this bridge everyday! It is so pretty under the bridge right now!  The river was very dirty in the summer time and never wanted be close by, {BUT}

I did today! It was fun to walk on the hard {river}. It is so icy and I barely can walk around without paying good attention. The quilt seems fit well on top of the ice river!

I choice Denyse Schmidt's Picnic and Fairground: tile for the binding! I am happy I have a joyful quilt to snuggle up this season! Are you having/making a joyful quilts on the other side of the world?

note: This post has link up with crazy mom quilts



  1. Lovely quilt and it does look nice on the ice!

  2. I love that quilt and the backing is so adorable! :)

  3. I LOVE IT! It looks great! Congrats on a wonderful finish!

  4. So beautiful! I have wanted to try something like this for awhile and now I want to even more!

  5. Just beautiful! And I love all of your photos, too. It's fun to see a pretty quilt in different settings. :o)

  6. What a lovely quilt, good work!


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